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Mimic 6.x for Leia now with LibreELEC settings

I have added a system settings window to include the LibreELEC settings page for all those using this great skin and running, well... LibreELEC! 


My Mimic 6.x fork (which includes some PVR and layout tweaks also)  https://github.com/fb42000/skin.mimic

Or if you just want to add/replace on your own setup, then you will need the following files to overwrite (download and SSH/Gigolo etc..);
  1. includes.xml; https://github.com/fb42000/skin.mimic/bl...cludes.xml
  2. service-LibreELEC-Settings-mainWindow.xml; https://github.com/fb42000/skin.mimic/bl...Window.xml
  3. textures.xbt; https://github.com/fb42000/skin.mimic/bl...xtures.xbt
I don't have wireless or bluetooth on my libreelec setup so if someone can confirm if these too are working or any changes needed.

*Updated* with Screenshots

Main Settings Window

LibreELEC Settings Window -  System




Tried and tested on latest milhouse build

---coming from the main Mimic thread after your post.

Sounds great ! Mimic is a great skin which still isn't listed by the Kodi team as Leia ready. But these mods really can make it light, aesthetic and more useful.

Unluckily I can't test right away 👺👺👺 We still got that postal strike here in Toronto, and my current X96mini 1/8GB seems to have issues (experimenting with shrinking the updated .img file in Linux with gparted)- while I wait for my Leelbox 2/16GB ATV8.1 voice remote from Amazon.ca "by Wednesday" !


A. I am assuming this fork works for both LibreElec as well as CoreElec?

Btw, are those #1/2 .xml files only needed for 1080p? I usually am OK with 720p.

B. It would be nice if you could do a couple of screenshots...time allowing.

C. I got another request: is it possible to take out the network section out of LE/CE settings ( WiFi, Ethernet, BT) and place it as a menu shortcut much like TV, Movies etc menus?

Reason I ask is that above are very common settings as opposed to having to open all other settings at once, especially if you are using password/PIN to protect all other settings from being changed by accident.

D. And if course any fix for the random PIN prompts appearing which don't happen in Estuary?

Cheers !
(2018-12-18, 00:50)siliconhippy Wrote: [ -> ]@fb42000

---coming from the main Mimic thread after your post.

Sounds great ! Mimic is a great skin which still isn't listed by the Kodi team as Leia ready. But these mods really can make it light, aesthetic and more useful.

Unluckily I can't test right away 👺👺👺 We still got that postal strike here in Toronto, and my current X96mini 1/8GB seems to have issues (experimenting with shrinking the updated .img file in Linux with gparted)- while I wait for my Leelbox 2/16GB ATV8.1 voice remote from Amazon.ca "by Wednesday" !


A. I am assuming this fork works for both LibreElec as well as CoreElec?

Btw, are those #1/2 .xml files only needed for 1080p? I usually am OK with 720p.

B. It would be nice if you could do a couple of screenshots...time allowing.

C. I got another request: is it possible to take out the network section out of LE/CE settings ( WiFi, Ethernet, BT) and place it as a menu shortcut much like TV, Movies etc menus?

Reason I ask is that above are very common settings as opposed to having to open all other settings at once, especially if you are using password/PIN to protect all other settings from being changed by accident.

D. And if course any fix for the random PIN prompts appearing which don't happen in Estuary?

Cheers !

Hi - hopefully some answers and more info, although please bare with me I am learning and learning myself (its taken 8 years Smile )

A - *Updated* - CoreELEC will only need a separate window if you want the specific logos - the info is parsed from the same locations as the LibreELEC settings by the looks of the equivalent CoreELEC xml

B. - Screenshots; - moved to FP

C. - The settings window reads from a system addon built into LibreELEC so it may be possible to menu link it but may mean hashing the home window xml rather than a generic

D. - I don't experience the PIN prompts although I only have a default profile and kids that wouldn't dare touch the settings Smile Have you a log showing when they appear - it may prove where in the skin they are being called

Great to know about your progress.
All nice shots with more details.

Re: C, I just also realized that the PIN/password for general settings should be disabled for the Network Settings on the main Mimic Skin menu so WiFi, BT, Ethernet configuration are accessible independent of PIN/password.

Re: D log, will post it as soon as my TV box issues are resolved !

Btw, I have posted this thread link to both CoreElec and LibreElec forums. Hopefully there will be appreciative test volunteers soon 🐵🐵🐵

1. Re: PIN prompts, I rebooted and got the prompts right after 78 channels IPTV loading, and then in between- the frequency seems lower as I removed some add-ons I didn't need especially from the CoreElec/ LibreElec add-ons repo ! I just press back button to get rid of the prompt if there is no Settings features involved.

Here is the Kodi log ( I am on EST but here the clock is EST +10 hours):

2. I might be able to install your mod too...but not good at GitHub stuff.
What are instructions and links for starting from File Manager if I already have Mimic 6.0 installed and customized for the home screen?

I do want to avoid the Git Browser tool from TVaddons since it will then install its own screen logos !
There is an error showing with loading your profile, check your advanced settings, Line 13, for a close out tag as it will currently ignore this setting if not - may be the lead up to issue.

I played around with  PIN settings last night - the prompt on my setup only came about when expected - ie i pin protected music and selecting music got prompt, no other etc etc. so cannot replicate your issue as i understand it - so not entirely sure it is a specific skin issue, it may be more of what this skin is loading when calling for 'something' as opposed to Estuary (which is a simpler skin in terms of window linking)

The IPTV addon is trying to load a control and display as text viewer but it cannot get the info to display - have you set an EPG location or can you turn this off within addon settings? I cant dual load IPTV simple as I run TVH and you cannot have two PVR clients running so I'm blind to this addon's settings.

You could also do with trying to find remnants of plugin.program.advanced.emulator.launcher and make sure it is uninstalled or updated as it is failing to find it - so it may be looking, pin prompting you but then failing to find. Your favourites is calling for it so at least remove it from your favourites

Using a file manager to access the replacement files, assume you have samba/ssh setup to access your box, if you download my repo to your PC with samba / ssh access (go to my github address in first post, click on Clone or Download green button, select download Zip, extract, then find the files to replace; 1080i/includes.xml  1080i/service-LibreELEC-Settings-mainWindow.xml media/Textures.xbt. Log into kodi box over samba/ssh file manager, go to /storage/.kodi/addons/skin.mimic/ the folder layout then is the same as above extracted folder. Copy and allow to overwrite the above into the same folders ( it may be worth taking a backup copy of your includes and Textures files before JIC!)
(2018-12-19, 00:06)fb42000 Wrote: [ -> ]There is an error showing with loading your profile, check your advanced settings, Line 13, for a close out tag as it will currently ignore this setting if not - may be the lead up to issue.

I played around with  PIN settings last night - the prompt on my setup only came about when expected - ie i pin protected music and selecting music got prompt, no other etc etc. so cannot replicate your issue as i understand it - so not entirely sure it is a specific skin issue, it may be more of what this skin is loading when calling for 'something' as opposed to Estuary (which is a simpler skin in terms of window linking)

The IPTV addon is trying to load a control and display as text viewer but it cannot get the info to display - have you set an EPG location or can you turn this off within addon settings? I cant dual load IPTV simple as I run TVH and you cannot have two PVR clients running so I'm blind to this addon's settings.

You could also do with trying to find remnants of plugin.program.advanced.emulator.launcher and make sure it is uninstalled or updated as it is failing to find it - so it may be looking, pin prompting you but then failing to find. Your favourites is calling for it so at least remove it from your favourites

Using a file manager to access the replacement files, assume you have samba/ssh setup to access your box, if you download my repo to your PC with samba / ssh access (go to my github address in first post, click on Clone or Download green button, select download Zip, extract, then find the files to replace; 1080i/includes.xml  1080i/service-LibreELEC-Settings-mainWindow.xml media/Textures.xbt. Log into kodi box over samba/ssh file manager, go to /storage/.kodi/addons/skin.mimic/ the folder layout then is the same as above extracted folder. Copy and allow to overwrite the above into the same folders ( it may be worth taking a backup copy of your includes and Textures files before JIC!)


Thanks for the details.

1. The advanced settings file with the line 13 problem is actually from CoreElec !
So what suggestions do you have to change it to something more palatable? There only are 11 lines in advancedsettings.xml file.

Edit. I have had the PIN prompt issue with LE/Win7 as well, in the past. Haven't tested LibreElec lately, but just looked again at my Win 7 Kodi 18 beta3 setup with Youtube plugin updated to v6.2.3, and the extra PIN prompts issue seems to have gone away.

However when I manually updated Youtube plugin to v 6.3alpha3 and then back to v6.2.3 (the official Kodi rep is still at my previous v6.2.2), the PIN prompt issue is there, and occurs frequently with YouTube plugin.

CSkinSettings and later, CApplication- start.xml have problems too. And JSON parse error: Setting.Details.SettingList.
But I don't know what they mean.

2. Will turn off EPG in PVR settings...don't use EPG anyway.

Edit. There really is no EPG off setting in PVR IPTV Simple Client. I turned off local cache under EPG menu, but don't think it has made a difference.

3. Will try to locate plugin.program.advanced.emulator.launcher and delete/update it, and check my Favorites folder to identify the link/add-on responsible.

Where usually is this emulator, and what does it do?

Edit. This plugin isn't under .Kodi/userdata/addon-data like others where it is supposed to be.
However I cleaned out many plugins and packages etc from above userdata folder and also from add-ons folder, then reloaded Twitch from Kodi repo (which still shows the same "deprecated" error under Kodi log.)

There might be a slight improvement, but I still get the PIN prompt when switching menus, or within 1-2 sec of highlighting a menu.

Most my menus are customized on the Mimic home screen, and linked mostly to Youtube, but also to Twitch, Facebook Media add-on and also couple of video addons like Daily Motion.

I will look into the Favorites folder deletions ...but I think I had these errors even before I set up this folder.

4. Will do the zip/replace. Does it matter if I don't use 1080 but just 720p?

Edit. I will first have to switch to a LibreElec build on my 2/16G Leelbox ATV8.1 voice remote that arrived today, one day earlier !
Which LibreElec version(s) have you tried? For Leia I believe my only choice for a generic S905(W) box is the @balbes150 builds.
Item 1 - not related then - if you want to remove the error on your log, edit the advanced settings file over Samba / SSH and delete the last two lines ending at Line 11 (if only 11 lines long)

"CSkinSettings and later, CApplication- start.xml have problems too. And JSON parse error: Setting.Details.SettingList. But I don't know what they mean." - me neither - but I have the same errors logged so can assume again not related

Item 2 - it is a game emulator originally a program addon - this may be merged into the system of CoreELEC which maybe why you cannot find it - you can delete it from your favourites either by menu or by edited the favourites.xml in storage/.kodi/userdata/ and removing the line entry completely

"but I still get the PIN prompt when switching menus, or within 1-2 sec of highlighting a menu. Most my menus are customized on the Mimic home screen, and linked mostly to Youtube, but also to Twitch, Facebook Media add-on and also couple of video addons like Daily Motion." - so you have PIN protected videos window, program & scripts in the master lock? or everything? - I have tested on these by adding some examples to my home screen and i can scroll up and down highlighting the menu without the pin prompt - only when I select the addon (enter/select on remote or select by voice command) do i then get the expected pin prompt - this may be an issue in the shortcut templates of the skin - and related call pages home.xml, includes_home etc.. - did you completely remove any previous versions of mimic as i noted you were originally looking at the older version. 

Item 4 - no issue with 1080p / 720 - don't change the folder name - originally skin windows were in 720 then the call for full HD allowed resolution changes etc.so the folder names changed to 1080 - Newer skins just call the folder xml

I have created a copy of my mimic repo but with a different name (.test) here https://github.com/fb42000/skin.mimic.test so you can try it without overwriting your stock version - it may help to highlight where the issue maybe in the original skin as I have changed some menu formats etc which it seems your issue may be related to when highlighting items; download the zip folder (same process as previous post) save to a location your CE box can read from, (next on my list to do is add sources window) Addons / Install from zip, make default skin etc then have a play around to see whether anything changes ( you will have to setup you home screen items again through if only an example of each - program, video)

I have only used X86_64 and RPI versions of LE since inception from OE and tracked the milhouse builds since, generally without much issue.  I did try one of these android boxes a couple of years back to play around with but found the interface extremely slow compared to a linux build and video playback struggled on PVR streams, which is my main use.

Appreciate your continued interest.

Items 1-3. (PIN prompts.)
I have only PIN locked File Manager, Addons and Settings (All), so this is weird.

The CoreElec advancedsettings.xml file is part of the read only OS, so can't be edited ( but likely not the problem.)

The Favorites part I will look into again, and from what I see I only have the mimic6.0 file in the .kodi/addons folder.

So the problem likely is in between Youtube and emulator ( I have also posted this thread in the @anxdpanic Youtube plugin thread.)

Item 4. ( Your Mimic mod.)
Unluckily both the LibreElec and the CoreElec versions only have p281 device trees for S905W TV boxes, whereas I have ended up with 3 TV boxes from Amazon.ca, all with S905W + p282 boards. So no boot yet ! ( Will return the third Leelbox ATV8.1 voice remote 2/16GB box too, most probably.)

But I am going to try loading balbes LibreElec 2018-12-17 S905.arm version on my X96mini 1/8 GB S905W p281 box to test your mod... The main issue here is mixing up the CoreElec and LibreElec backups but I have been through it once 😈😈😈