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Full Version: Hindi, Tamil and other exotic charsets
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Is there a way to display text in Hindi and other "exotic" (sorry for the term) languages ? I have Hebrew, Chineses, Korean and stuff display well, but some like Hindi are just white sqaures...


That sounds like the skin you're using is missing a suitable font file, or perhaps that you don't have the Hindi (or the relevant one for the others) language pack installed and enabled. You can find those under "Look and feel > Languages" in the built-in official repo.

Double check the latter, and if it's installed then maybe some adjustment is needed to the skin that you're using, especially if it's a third party one (the built-in ones include support for all the languages in the language packs iirc).

Thanks for the reply. Installed Hindi language pack, but still does not display ok... Sad
Which skin are you using?

And did you select the pack and reboot?

I'm on Default Skin. I installed the pack but did not select it. Target is to be able to display those characters independently of active language set. I assume it's a don't issue. Using Arial based, but it does not work.
I'll move this to the Estuary skin folder to more properly target what may need doing.

It certainly does sound like a font or language pack issue. It's not something I know a lot about as I don't use them (I'm English so Kodi works native for me).