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Full Version: View_PVRGuide_Movement problem-S.O.S.
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i hope you do not mind my asking for some skinning help here modding aura.

My PVR Guide is 4 rows high. I can get to the top menu but when i return to the guide list it jumps to the middle of the list.
I think the issue is in the "<include name="View_PVRGuide_Movement">"
but not sure how to fix it.

thank you
Sorry I missed this question

Yes, most likely related to that include. It is basically a hack to go through the menu and end up at either the bottom of the top of the guide. If you changed the number of rows, you will need to change that include to reflect those changes.

You will see conditions like: Integer.IsGreater(Container(10).NumItems,9)
Notice how they go up in increments of 9? That is because the normal guide has nine rows - so what the skin does is for every nine channels in the guide, it does a pageup/pagedown to get to the very bottom/top of the guide when pressing up/down from the top menu.

You will need to change the values to be multiples of the number of visible rows in your guide.

In sublime text 3, this can be done easily with the increment selection package.

EDIT: Here try this:
thank you much.
will give it a try in the morning
Thank you but it did not work. it changed to position it jumps but still wrong.
perhaps i made an error in how i made my changes to the guide to go from 9 rows to 4.
i have not found the error yet.
thank you for being willing to help so far.

EDIT: I think i figured it out.
I think my guide is 1 focused and 3 rows
so i changed it "Integer.IsGreater(Container(10).NumItems,3)"
it seams to be working now.

Thank You