Kodi Community Forum

Full Version: Enable selecting multiple subtitles
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This is a feature request to enable selecting multiple subtitles in the subtitles dialog, this is useful in some cases like:
  • A user wants to download two subtitles in one go so that he can switch between them later on.
  • Downloading multiple subtitles and combining them so they appear simultaneously (one at the top of screen and one on the bottom), this can be useful for multilingual families and people that learn new languages by using TV shows and movies material, I've already modified the opensubtitle addon to include this feature but I had to use a workaround to get the user to select multiple items and it is very annoying since it displays two dialogs
    The original discussion on kodi forums: 330813 (thread)
 The problem is that the "xbmcplugin" API doesn't allow multiselect dialogs.
A basic idea of how the API should look like is making the "xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem" accept a parameter, let's call it "multiselect"
that is set to "False" by default and when set to "True" it allows multiselect

This is how the opensubtitle addon behaves with the workaround mentioned above: https://gfycat.com/fortunatevalidamericancreamdraft
