2021-02-25, 01:17
I've played around with Github Actions for the past few hours, what a cool automation tool (and best of all free for public repos)! I think I have it setup now so that these addons will auto update every day.
(2021-07-31, 01:41)zachmorris Wrote: [ -> ]Repository files were updated. If you are using this repository, you may need to update to the new linked repository file in the first post.
: Repository add-on repository.kodi_libretro_buildbot_game_addons uses old schema definition for the repository extension point! This is no longer supported, please update your addon to use <dir> definitions.
Repository add-on repository.kodi_libretro_buildbot_game_addons does not have any directory and won't be able to update/serve addons! Please fix the addon.xml definition
2023-01-13 12:27:40.706 T:448 error <general>: ADDON: Dll Nintendo - NES / Famicom (FCEUmm) - Client returned bad status (5) from Create and is not usable
2023-01-13 12:27:42.716 T:448 error <general>: RetroPlayer[PLAYER]: Failed to initialize game.libretro.fceumm_libretro_buildbot
(2023-01-13, 00:57)mcarni Wrote: [ -> ]I am having issues with this repo, it seems to install fine but it fails to open complaining about schema definition
(2023-04-01, 19:53)ctyrka Wrote: [ -> ]Hello, I am running OSMC on Vero 4K+ console, where I'd like to emulate some good old Commodore Amiga games (oh yeah, it's been while since I played Crazy Cars III as a child : ). I've installed game addon from the repository on the following page . On the same page, table indicates that puae_libretro core should work for Commodore Amiga, just the *.rom file needs to be placed in the ..addon_data/game.libretro.puae_libretro_buildbot/resources/system/ directory. I tried to download sample *.rom just to test whether I'll be able to run virtualization, however result is only black screen.
When launching the game addon, it starts but then nothing is happening. Not sure whether the core is picking up the *.rom file. I can pause the emulation and can see Kodi menu, where I can set up various picture aspects or select controller, I can resume emulation or stop it, but that's it. There is no an option to adjust plugin settings, so I am wondering if I need to do something more rather than just placing *.rom in the above directory?
Can anybody kick me little bit, or maybe provide a testing bios file so that I can only check whether things are working?
Thank you!
<general>: RetroPlayer[PLAYER]: ---------------------------------------
<general>: RetroPlayer[PLAYER]: Game client: game.libretro.puae_libretro_buildbot
<general>: RetroPlayer[PLAYER]: ---------------------------------------
<general>: ADDON: Dll Initializing - Commodore - Amiga (PUAE)
<general>: Calling TransferSettings for: Commodore - Amiga (PUAE)
<general>: AddOnLog: game.libretro.puae_libretro_buildbot: Model: 'CD32'
<general>: AddOnLog: game.libretro.puae_libretro_buildbot: Kickstart: 'kick40060.CD32'
<general>: AddOnLog: game.libretro.puae_libretro_buildbot: +Extended: 'kick40060.CD32.ext'
<general>: AddOnLog: game.libretro.puae_libretro_buildbot: NVRAM: '.../userdata/addon_data/game.libretro.puae_libretro_buildbot/save/Akira (1994)(ICE)[!].nvr'
<general>: AddOnLog: game.libretro.puae_libretro_buildbot: CD (1) inserted in drive CD0: '.../userdata/addon_data/plugin.program.iagl/game_cache/Akira (1994)(ICE)[!].cue'
<general>: AddOnLog: game.libretro.puae_libretro_buildbot: kickstart_ext_rom_file=.../userdata/addon_data/game.libretro.puae_libretro_buildbot/resources/system/kick40060.CD32.ext
<general>: AddOnLog: game.libretro.puae_libretro_buildbot: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<general>: AddOnLog: game.libretro.puae_libretro_buildbot: PUAE 4.9.1 8b20a92, Mar 31 2023 06:14:40
<general>: AddOnLog: game.libretro.puae_libretro_buildbot: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2023-04-05, 11:31)ctyrka Wrote: [ -> ]so pasting just the end of the log file that