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Full Version: [FIX] Kodi with VAAPI deinterlacing AMD 2400G
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Merry Christmas everyone !
My computer :
- latest kodi
- AMD VAAPI on for everything in the settings

With latest firmware provide by AMD, there is an issue with deinterlacing MAADI with my card (2400G). So i decided to change the deinterlacing to software.
For this option, there is no setting in general Settings section.
The issue :
Once i have AMD VAAPI decoding on in the general settings, i only have in the video menu The VAAPI deinterlacing option (no software deinterlacing).
Someone can confirm ?

That's how it is. The copy from VRAM to SysRAM is only available for intel.
Ok, i imagine that it's not implemented in AMDGPU.
Thanks for the answer.
Happy new year !
