PSA: There was a period of time where Sling widevine licensing was broken so no channels were working. @
eracknaphobia has resolved the issue and channels are now working again. More detail can be seen here:
Sling widevine issue
WOW! Fantastic Job.
Just installed and tested the addon.
The guide is working and looks great. My OTA channels from TVHeadend are in as well.
Graphics and info are looking great.
So far all channels a working and load fast.
The only thing i have not found is how to set recording, perhaps this is not added yet.
I can set recordings on my phone easy enough.
Thanks for all the work.
I was planning on moving to another service because SlingTV moved a 2 channels we watch to extra packages that would cost almost as much as YTTV.
Now I am rethinking that plan.
Thanks again
Getting ready to do this through the io fault repo, but quick question out of curiosity.
Once, this eventually hits the Kodi repo.
Will this still update through that ? Or will it probably end up being one of those things where I forget and wonder why it's not working one day, then find out oh yeah it changed repos.
mxlance Set recording is on the list of things to do.
MoreBloodWine Kodi will update to the highest version number available through all repos if auto-update is enabled. So say iofault has 0.0.77 and kodi repo has 0.0.76 the iofault version would be installed. This can be overridden by manually selecting update and choosing which repo to install from.
Sounds good, in any event. Working like it used to... so g2g here.
Thanks a lot for the excellent support on this addon, the last live TV program on Kodi that if without it, Kodi will be lost 50% of the value.
May I ask this addon will support the close caption as PSvue?
Thank you!
(2020-01-18, 22:26)usphil Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks a lot for the excellent support on this addon, the last live TV program on Kodi that if without it, Kodi will be lost 50% of the value.
May I ask this addon will support the close caption as PSvue?
Thank you!
Not yet but I've
added it to the list.
(2020-01-18, 16:52)mxlance Wrote: [ -> ]WOW! Fantastic Job.
Just installed and tested the addon.
The guide is working and looks great. My OTA channels from TVHeadend are in as well.
Graphics and info are looking great.
So far all channels a working and load fast.
The only thing i have not found is how to set recording, perhaps this is not added yet.
I can set recordings on my phone easy enough.
Thanks for all the work.
I was planning on moving to another service because SlingTV moved a 2 channels we watch to extra packages that would cost almost as much as YTTV.
Now I am rethinking that plan.
Thanks again
Thanks for the kind words, hoping this continues to move in a positive direction. The ability to set recordings isn't implemented (yet). The mechanics behind it have to be investigated still and then evaluate the feasibility.
Hard to go wrong with Sling at the cost, but at least for my area, YouTube TV does have locals which is appealing.
(2020-01-18, 17:07)MoreBloodWine Wrote: [ -> ]Getting ready to do this through the io fault repo, but quick question out of curiosity.
Once, this eventually hits the Kodi repo.
Will this still update through that ? Or will it probably end up being one of those things where I forget and wonder why it's not working one day, then find out oh yeah it changed repos.
If it hits the Kodi repo, then yes going through proper steps changes do hit the repo. Before that happens they, the Kodi team, have to look over the code for compliance and
if they approve it may get pushed to the repo. That said, most frequent/small fixes will probably still get pushed to my github repo first. This means quickest fixes but also a chance of an unintended bug here and there, call it a beta.
I forget who made the reply but short answer seemed to be a yes bec the addon would see itself in the kodi repo if and when its approved, but ty :-)
Been a long day sp sorry if I reiterated [emoji1787]
Thanks for this add-on.
I have blue and orange and there are duplicate channels in the guide. I understand that this is by design. The Android TV app does the same. Would any of the developers consider removing the duplicates?
(2020-01-19, 14:29)bzellinger Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for this add-on.
I have blue and orange and there are duplicate channels in the guide. I understand that this is by design. The Android TV app does the same. Would any of the developers consider removing the duplicates?
Possible, I'd suggest creating an issue on the repo. In the interim. Through the add-on you can go-to channels, view the context menu on a channel that appears in the guide, there is an option to hide that channel. Next time you view channels or the guide is rebuilt, that channel will not be included.
Great work on the new add on! I have noticed the channels from Sling and the HDHomerun DVR app in the guide but the program info is wrong for the Sling channels. It's not a time zone issue, however, it seems like the HD Homerun OTA program info has overwritten the Sling info.
(2020-01-20, 07:53)bds3151 Wrote: [ -> ]Great work on the new add on! I have noticed the channels from Sling and the HDHomerun DVR app in the guide but the program info is wrong for the Sling channels. It's not a time zone issue, however, it seems like the HD Homerun OTA program info has overwritten the Sling info.
I've seen that happen with my guide (I use the hdhomerun pvr client as well). What I usually do is go into the pvr settings and run
Clear data under
General and then under
Guide and it usually fixes it. If that doesn't work you could try disabling
Use channel order from backend(s) and clear the data.
(2020-01-20, 15:35)eracknaphobia Wrote: [ -> ] (2020-01-20, 07:53)bds3151 Wrote: [ -> ]Great work on the new add on! I have noticed the channels from Sling and the HDHomerun DVR app in the guide but the program info is wrong for the Sling channels. It's not a time zone issue, however, it seems like the HD Homerun OTA program info has overwritten the Sling info.
I've seen that happen with my guide (I use the hdhomerun pvr client as well). What I usually do is go into the pvr settings and run Clear data under General and then under Guide and it usually fixes it. If that doesn't work you could try disabling Use channel order from backend(s) and clear the data.
Thx clear data worked.