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Full Version: The tv show that just keeps giving.
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I had a tv show (WU assassins) on kodi, but decided to delete it.

For some reason it wont stay dead.

sqlite> select idShow,c00 from tvshow where c00 like 'WU%';
430|Wu Assassins
sqlite> select * from path where strpath like '%WU%';
1204|/TV/WU Assassins/|||||||||2020-01-18 00:39:30|786
sqlite> select * from episode where  idShow = 430;

deleted the show from kodi (selected in tv show hit del then choose yes)

Ran black_eagle's database cleaner using the path parameter to remove from database

derek@kodi:~/.kodi/temp$ cat database-cleaner.old.log
Video Database Cleaner V0.6.0 - Running at Saturday, 29 February 2020 19:47:40

There are 1 paths in the database that meet your criteria

The following file paths would be removed from your database

/TV/WU Assassins/

sqlite>  select idShow,c00 from tvshow where c00 like 'WU%';
sqlite>  select * from path where strpath like '%WU%';

But in a few days it will be back.
I do not know where it is getting this info /TV/WU Assassins/ does not exist (but will also come back).
The previous time it was idShow 428
It comes back where? In the database as a path or in the library as a tv show?
sorry I was not clear.
It comes back in the database as a path and in the library as a tv show.
Kodi's "garbage collection" is not upto par when picking up the pieces after a TV show has been deleted.
Some database tables are left with souvenirs from deleted shows/episode files.

It should however not come back after rescraping your media collection.
I use my own 'scrubbing' routine via PHP/MySQL whenever the scraping or refreshing of a TV show goes wrong.
I guess what I am looking for is a database entry that I am missing (failing to delete).
My other thought (which seems very unlikely) is that ubuntu is recreating the directory for some reason and kodi then tries to add it to the library.
Just to mention it.

Deleting a TV-show (the files on the HDD) and then perform a library-clean will not prevent Kodi to pickup the show again after a library update. There are still leftovers in the database.

Please try it in the following way:

- navigate to the TV-show
- bring up the context menu
- select "remove from library"
- then delete the files
- also delete the "trash" on Ubuntu

In that way no entries should come up anymore.
(2020-03-01, 21:14)DaVu Wrote: [ -> ]- navigate to the TV-show
- bring up the context menu
- select "remove from library"
- then delete the files
- also delete the "trash" on Ubuntu
Just curiously... will the same OSD functionality appear anytime in the web control panel?  Or - is there a fuller-featured version of the web panel I can just add as a plugin?
(2020-03-01, 21:14)DaVu Wrote: [ -> ]- navigate to the TV-show
- bring up the context menu
- select "remove from library"
- then delete the files
- also delete the "trash" on Ubuntu

This is the method I would normally use, except for deleting the trash. 18.04 the "rubbish bin" is empty. This must happen automatically, as I have never deleted it.

When the show kept coming back (after the above) I checked the database and found the tvshow and path entries.
Next time it comes back I will do the same, is there any data that would help while I have the issue, or during the removal?
(2020-03-01, 22:04)Preacher Wrote: [ -> ]Just curiously... will the same OSD functionality appear anytime in the web control panel? 

You mean, if you can remove a TV-show via the webinterface (Chorus for example)? 

No, not that I know of.
(2020-03-02, 08:23)DaVu Wrote: [ -> ]You mean, if you can remove a TV-show via the webinterface (Chorus for example)? 

(2020-03-02, 08:23)DaVu Wrote: [ -> ]No, not that I know of. 
Doh! I kinda bemoan the OSD controls aren't reproduced in the web interface, too. It'd be useful when I picked the wrong display settings and could have used the web panel to change them back.

Ah, well.