That looks very nice!
Flat look is better in my opinion.
I'm very curious about the improvement and change of this skin.
Do you maybe have more screenshots?
Very impressive. Thank you for showing the screenshots
I love the new skin design; if it goes this way I have new default skin... The "angle" of current version is original but uncomfortable for me.
Its possible to add audio/subs language flags in displays instead of valuation? For me is much more useful and a needed info (I don't scrape/use valuations in my NFOs) and would be an amazing option, for me at least.
There is something in Aeon SiLVO that seems great for me: In Low List display it identifies collections with a "discs" icon, what allows to recognize collection very easily and allows to remove the "- Collection" suffix to collection names. It would be great have this option too in all displays. Its a good point in that skin.
Those are just suggestions because I see that you are in development time for new version. I wish you don't see this as criticism and you are free to send to bin this... it's your skin! XD
Spanish (for my bad english):
Me encanta lo que veo del nuevo diseño de la skin; si va en esa dirección ya tengo nueva skin por defecto... El "angulado" de la actual es original pero un poco "incómodo" para mí.
¿Sería posible el añadir el audio y los subtítulos con banderita de idioma en los diferentes displays, en lugar de la valoración/puntuación? En mi caso es algo mucho más útil y necesario (ni siquiera capturo valoraciones en mis NFOs) y sería un cambio/opción realmente importante, al menos para mí.
Hay una cosa en la skin Aeon SiLVO que me parece muy acertada: en el modo lista-baja identifica las colecciones con el icono de unos discos, lo que permite identificar las colecciones con un simple vistazo, y permite el quitar las coletillas de "- Colección" a las sagas y colecciones. Sería estupendo el poder tener esa opción, y en todos los formatos de lista además. Creo que es un gran acierto de esa skin.
Hago estas sugerencias porque veo que estás con el desarrollo de la nueva versión, y solo son eso, sugerencias. Espero que no lo veas como una crítica y no pasa nada si crees que no son cambios necesarios... que para eso es tu skin!! XD
Looking great as always! As soon as Matrix is released in GA, I'll look forward to using this along with Titan M O D (I still prefer its "skinny list" but Aeon TAJO's "Kaleidescape-ish" wall view

manfeed - I love this new look. Keep up your usual excellent work.
(2020-09-22, 23:32)manfeed Wrote: [ -> ]
Awesome! Great work.
I keep saying it, this skin is becoming a real beauty.
Great work.
That's exactly what I was waiting for, can't wait to try it when it's released!
Can't wait man. Outstanding.
Hi @
As always, your skin is one of the best!
Let's add the number of users?

Here is an updated
font with Russian language support. What other fonts, besides Quicksand.ttf and Montserrat.ttf, are used in the skin and need to add language support?
There is a small bug in the skin:
if information is placed in 2 lines, then the font is truncated at the bottom.

Thanks! Your character poster list is impressive, congratulations!
I only changed those two fonts. Since you only sent Quicksand.ttf, I assume that Montserrat.ttf is ok, isn't it?
You're right about the Info video screen, in Spanish is less evident, but sometimes the text is also slightly truncated... I have to look at it and change the layout, since so much information just doesn't fit in the allocated space. The next skin version will contain your font and will fix that issue. It will also change some views so as they look nicer...
manfeed, thanks!
Yes, Montserrat.ttf is multilingual.
Yesterday I forgot to mention ... On the same screenshot where the "number of votes" and "my rating" are, the text also does not fit. If possible, make this information a running line.