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Full Version: Aeon Tajo movie and tv show theme name
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Hey there.

Love your skin and appreciate the tons of work and art you put in there. I think it is best skin I ever used and I do not see any reason to use another one.

I only have a very very small request that will not make much difference for anyone except for someone who has a little OCD like me Big Grin 
in order to play the movie or tv-show themes, they must be named "theme.mp3".

I would like for it to be named with the same naming convention as everything else for that video. i.e. video file name, artwork name, etc. So for a movie, it would be <movie-name>.mp3. for example, "War_Of_The_Worlds_(2005)-theme.mp3" and for a tv-show, it would be <tv-show-name>.mp3. for example, "Better_Call_Saul_(2015)-theme.mp3"

something like in this screenshot.

this works:

this what I want, but doesn't work:

so I was wondering if there is a setting in a config file somewhere so it can be changed from playing only "theme.mp3" to playing "*theme.mp3" as using a wild card for example or any other smart solution.

again, not a big issue or important, but will make it more tidy at least for me instead of having hundreds of files with the same name "theme.mp3"

thanks again million times for the artistic work Smile
Thanks! Glad to know there’s someone who likes my skin as much as I do and in addition takes the time to tell me...

You’re right when you mention the tons of work put into Aeon Tajo, in fact one of my mottos is that I work so that the user doesn’t have to. I always try to make Aeon Tajo as simple as possible, while still offering all the bells and whistles. That’s the reason why, at least to my knowledge, this skin is the only one that enables playing themes for movies and tvshows without installing any addon, just using the skin engine. The downside is that the options are limited... I have spent much time asking for help in the forum about this topic, since I think this is a cool feature that should be given more attention, but as you can see in the next thread I got no answer...


...so I had to live with it and search another option. To cut a long story short, there are technical reasons that prevent for the time being what you ask for, since unfortunately the skin engine doesn’t allow the use of wild card symbols, and there’s no other thing you could do, either.

Anyway, I’m very proud of what the Matrix version of Aeon Tajo currently offers in this realm, since now, when browsing a movie set you will listen to an aleatory theme of one of the movies of the set. Also when choosing the option to play automatically movie trailers when browsing, you can first listen the theme for some seconds and after that the theme stops and the trailer starts. It may seem simple, but no one knows the amount of hours spent to get these options to work smoothly only using the skin engine... 

Sorry for not having been of much help with your OCD... Wink
thank you very much for taking the time to answer my inquiry. what you said about the skin not allowing wildcard explained why the modifications I made to the file default.py in the script.check.theme did not work but did not give error in the log either. I appreciate your effort and as a programmer -not as talented as you and other developers here- I know that what may seem simple to the user hides tons of work behind it from the developer. 

that Aeon Tajo matrix skin you mentioned seems interesting. I updated the Aeon Tajo skin I have to the latest version from the repo but I am not sure that I have that matrix one, how can I install it? 
again thank you very much for your reply and looking forward to more of your work Smile
(2021-01-23, 19:58)Jaqo Wrote: [ -> ]thank you very much for taking the time to answer my inquiry. what you said about the skin not allowing wildcard explained why the modifications I made to the file default.py in the script.check.theme did not work but did not give error in the log either. I appreciate your effort and as a programmer -not as talented as you and other developers here- I know that what may seem simple to the user hides tons of work behind it from the developer. 

that Aeon Tajo matrix skin you mentioned seems interesting. I updated the Aeon Tajo skin I have to the latest version from the repo but I am not sure that I have that matrix one, how can I install it? 
again thank you very much for your reply and looking forward to more of your work Smile
You’re welcome. I mean the version of Aeon Tajo that works for Kodi Matrix. To get it you first have to install the new Kodi v19 Matrix, currently in the Release Candidate stage, once you have Kodi Matrix working, you will find it in the official repo. Although it’s the same name, Aeon Tajo for Matrix is quite improved, both aesthetically and code wise, since it has many cool new options.

You can check the thread: 
looks cool unfortunately I was not able to use it. I just installed kodi matric rc  it freeze. I shut down and open again also freeze. I had to uninstall it and back to the previous stable version. I'll wait fir the released version Smile