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Full Version: Cleanup music libary
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I run the RC1 and so far it works fine but I can't find the option to clean the music libary anymore. I thought it is maybe now part of a regular rescann but it isnt. Once you delete an folder, it stay in the list. Maybe Im to blind to find it but maybe this option simply does not exist anymore. If it is deleted, it should come back.
I run Matriux RC1 with MadNox Skin
Moved to the Madnox forum section.
Thanks for moving, it helps me also to find the issue. In the default Skin I can switch the settings level and so I see the cleanup buton only exist in expert mode now. In Madnox I can maybe switch the level as well but I dont know where. However once I switch to Expert in the default skin and switch back to Madnox, it stay in expert mode and I have the button. Would be just good to know now where in Madnox I switch the setings level.
(2021-01-23, 19:53)olarf Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for moving, it helps me also to find the issue. In the default Skin I can switch the settings level and so I see the cleanup buton only exist in expert mode now. In Madnox I can maybe switch the level as well but I dont know where. However once I switch to Expert in the default skin and switch back to Madnox, it stay in expert mode and I have the button. Would be just good to know now where in Madnox I switch the setings level.

The settings-level option is somewhat 'hidden' in Madnox. To change it without changing skins, open the 'System' main menu item, then navigate to the 'System settings' icon and select / open it. In the next dialog Window, use the 'Left-Arrow-Key' on your keyboard / remote and a side-blade will open on the left-hand-side. The settings-level option will then appear (2nd item in the list). Press the 'Down-Arrow-Key' on your keyboard to highlight the option, then press the 'Enter-Key' on that item to change the settings-level to 'Expert' or whatever level you desire. It will cycle through each of the available options, each time you press the 'Enter-key'.

Once done, simply use the 'Right-Arrow-Key' on your keyboard / remote to close the side-blade and resume normal navigation. A lot of areas / views in Madnox have these hidden sideblade-style menus, so if there is something you can't find by any other means, this is probably where it's hidden.

Dan / Gib.
Thanks, work perfect!