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Full Version: How remap gamepad buttons for separate rom?
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How remap gamepad buttons for separate rom, if retroplayer used?

Os: Windows 10, Kodi Matrix
Why nobody answer?
(2021-06-30, 16:39)FreakMurderer Wrote: [ -> ]Why nobody answer?

To the best of my knowledge is not possible. Note that in Retroarch is possible but not in Retroplayer at the moment.
If developers here: please add this functionality in todo list...
Most games you can configure what buttons do what. Just do it per game instead of global?
I have a bunch of ROMs for the Arcade emulator, but the controls are all over the place. Jump in one game could be shoot in another game. I made a map of games and button actions here. For example, 1941 B button is 'fire' but for 1943 the mapping changes to Y button for 'fire.'
I have a joy stick, 6 button set up (start, select, and 4 action buttons).
Can I remap the individual ROM inputs one by one so that for all games the A button is 'fire' or 'attack'... B is 'jump'... X for 'special attack' or whatever (you guys get the idea)...
Having 'fire' be so inconsistent is really detracting from my enjoyment because I cant remember the controls from game to game. Ugh. Plz halp.
Per-game button mapping isn't supported yet. This was to keep the initial feature set simple to ease the difficulty of merging large patches into Kodi. We're getting closer to per-game button maps with the introduction of the Port Manager (https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/20505) last month. Someday per-game button maps will be supported. You can follow along in the Player Manager thread (https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid...n=lastpost).