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someone can help me in this kodi skin aura modify?
I don't find in xml skin source code where to apply this mod (see image below):


Someone can help me to apply this modify?
Thank you
Erm yes and no, if it's the skin that supplies it and not some other component/kodi itself. But with every widget change, you'd have to go in the code and change it as well.

You might be able to use skin debugger "SKIN.TOGGLEDEBUG"(set as a widget, i added mine in the powermenu, and it will toggle a visual debugger) to see where that page is located in the skins code, and continue down the rabbit hole until you find where it's actually located.

Post an issue in your corresponding skin and they might be able to help:
kcook98765's @ https://github.com/kcook98765/skin.aura

SerpentDrago's @  https://github.com/SerpentDrago/skin.auramod

I HIGHLY doubt either one of them would implement something like this though, you'd probably have to customize it yourself with every update.
Easier if you forked it from github, made your changes and then whenever either one update, you update yours and you'll be good.
It would be even more easier if you did all that and had your own repo(so kodi would autoupdate), I was doing this for a little bit because I was making small adjustments.
You would need to look into Includes_Widgets.xml , apx line 490:

    <include name="Widget_Label">
            <control type="grouplist">
                <control type="image">
                    <aspectratio aligny="center">keep</aspectratio>
                    <texture colordiffuse="main_fg_30">common/cube-16.png</texture>

that last line with common/cube-16.png is the image you see for widgets in this skin.

I'd imagine it could be switched to other images, but would need to work out what image <-> Widget mapping to use for this and setup changes to do so in this skin area.