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Full Version: Estuary MOD V2 Matrix/Nexus/Omega KN Edition
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Since Guilouz no longer supports the Estuary ModV2 skin for Kodi 18, I decided in February 2021 to pick up and continue his good work on this skin, to adapt it to Kodi 19 and of course to fix any remaining bugs. With the change to Kodi 19, some of the required addons (Skinhelper, Artwork Beef) are gone and other addons have been added, so the adaptation was not easy. Since then, however, much has changed in the skin, as you can also see in the version history.

The source code of the skin is available on Github in my account and was (or is) a fork from Guilouz. On Github you can also find the installation instructions for the skin. The skin addon itself is hosted in the Kodinerds Repo - a German Kodi community - and can be installed from there. As I know that some members from the Kodinerds community are also here in the forum or Team-Kodi members, I think that is a good decision.

Since I will no longer continue the old thread, but still many contributions from me are present there, here the link: 306757 (thread)
If you can speak German, you can also ask in the Kodinerds forum: https://www.kodinerds.net/index.php/Thre...ry-Mod-v2/ 

Link and installation instructions for Estuary Mod V2 Matrix KN Edition: https://github.com/b-jesch/skin.estuary.modv2
Screenshots: https://github.com/b-jesch/skin.estuary....creenshots
Kodinerds Repository Addon: https://repo.kodinerds.net/
  • Update 05/22: Since Kodi has released his Nexus Alpha version, a nexus branch of this skin is also available.
  • Update 10/23: An Omega version is available too...

Skinhelper ....gone, ?

Working very well in Matrix or Nexus Kodi...with old Guilouz code for Leia.
Without SHS this will be another mod of Estuary.
I've decided to remove SHS (as this is not in the official repo) and use Embuary Helper instead. PVR artwork is supported by PVR artwork module. The old code from Leia hasn't updated for three years now, none of skin improvements and further development in Matrix are applied to the skin. Not talking about bugs at all even if Guilouz has taken a very good job.
Silly me , misread the above , I thought you had dispensed with Skin.shortcuts , downloaded the skin from nerds. I just can't get used to that delay you get when returning to the home screen with v2 .Oh well , back to default Estuary my bad .
I think I tried pretty much every available skin out there, and this one is closest to perfection for me! keep up the good work!
One thing that would make it perfect is showing Rotten Tomatoes and MetaCritic ratings. I can see them in the extended info screen, but don't know how to get them on the main screen/footer. If someone knows how to do this, I am willing to pay for beer or something Smile
Comes with next update

OMG YES! Thank you. You just made my day. Smile (just try to make it show in % for RT)
I don't know if this is a skin thing, or another addon, but the upcoming episodes widget seems to display things in the wrong order; shouldn't the one on the far left be the soonest and the right be the furthest away?
### 3.3.1+matrix.1 ###
  • Hungarian language updated
  • Dutch (Netherland) language updated
  • Italian language added (many thanks to thedoctor66)
  • animated artwork detection for TV Shows extended
  • chapter marks in Video OSD added
  • Support for Rotten Tomatoes/MetaCritc added (mediaflags)
  • some smaller fixes/changes

Changes, version history and installation hints you'll find also in the readme.md on github - see first post
For Metacritic and Rotten Tomates ratings to show we should use Universal Movie Scraper with OMDb Api Key or is The Movie Database Python enough? What do you suggest? Thanks.
(2022-01-14, 19:07)VelimirSaban Wrote: [ -> ]For Metacritic and Rotten Tomates ratings to show we should use Universal Movie Scraper with OMDb Api Key or is The Movie Database Python enough? What do you suggest? Thanks.
Do they show up in your setup ?
You need an OMDB API key and have to prefer the Universal Movie Scraper as the standard scraper for your movie database.
Solved it. Works now. Thanks!
Just a question regarding Rotten Tomatoes rating. There are four options to change the category of rating : all critics, average critics, all audience, average audience. What's the difference between all critics and average critics ? The same for all audience and average audience.
As Rotten Tomatoes provides this different score types, you'll find answers on their FAQ: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/faq