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Full Version: Estuary MOD V2 Matrix/Nexus/Omega KN Edition
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Maybe. Another reason could be a corrupted image. In PVR artwork module you should disable/exclude such genres like sports, news etc.
I found a solution to this issue, by stopping the backend "Nextpvr add-on" from downloading PVR artwork, and relying on PVR Artwork module. This works well most of the times, but sometimes I need to refresh the artwork manually to be updated.
Yes, in this cases it's hepful sometimes tuning the settings of this addon. You can do this directly in addon settings (enable/disable Channels, titles, genres) and fine tune titles or enable/disable setting directly in context menu of the module.

It's also possible to delete or change problematic artwork this way. Just choose via context menu "change artwork" and replace the path to the problematic artwork or set this to None.



3.4.2+matrix.11 / 4.0.2+nexus.11
  • update playlist view
  • extend setting 'Show Fanart' to all video views (affected earlier only to home widgets)
  • fix missing channel logo in PVR info views
  • fix wrong used mediaflag of endtime and endtime resume with appendix AM/PM
  • fix wrong position of channel group infolabel in PVR channel OSD
Wow, very active, thanks again!
Could it be icons about AV1 codec?


Not sure. You've pointed to aspect ratio, not to codec (shows H.264). If you could provide a link to a 8K AV1 snippet I could do some investigations. But wow, 8K occures very rare Wink

(2022-11-24, 10:57)_BJ1 Wrote: [ -> ]3.4.2+matrix.11 / 4.0.2+nexus.11
  • update playlist view
  • extend setting 'Show Fanart' to all video views (affected earlier only to home widgets)
  • fix missing channel logo in PVR info views
  • fix wrong used mediaflag of endtime and endtime resume with appendix AM/PM
  • fix wrong position of channel group infolabel in PVR channel OSD
With this last update, I think the channel logo issue has been fixed under Channels view, but it's still there under Guide and Video OSD.
Which video OSD? There are some views.
@crazyturk As seen in both screenshots kodi itself cannot determine the correct aspect ratio (it is always 0.0). So it's not possible to show the right flag for it. Same the wrongly detected codec (H.264 instead of AV1) - even if kodi shows the correct video codec in process info (am_av1)

Ok, the plain estuary shows the right codec flag - so it's possible to implement this one into modv2.
Thanks for modifying poster view to show titles, perfect! Super quick
(2022-11-25, 11:22)_BJ1 Wrote: [ -> ]As seen in both screenshots kodi itself cannot determine the correct aspect ratio (it is always 0.0). So it's not possible to show the right flag for it. 
I always get 0.0 aspect ratio returned for the HD channels on live TV on both my own skin mod and the default Estuary skin, but only when using Android and only when using the Engima E2 client......Work that one out, if you can? 
It's very strange behaviour!  Confused
Is it possible to create sub folders in the favorites menu? Similar to what Super Favorites Addon does.

Getting familiar with this skin and overwhelmed by the options, not that I'm complaining though.
Video flag with av1 codec updated. Available on next update.

Quote:Is it possible to create sub folders in the favorites menu? Similar to what Super Favorites Addon does.
Don't know. Why not use Super Favourites?