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Full Version: TheMovieDB - TV Show scraper stopped scraping
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A couple of days ago the "TheMovieDB - TV Show scraper" stopped scraping and doesn't find any episodes.
I have version 3.5.14 on Kodi Leia 18.9 on my Linux Ubuntu 18.04 media center.

It seems like the output format from the TMDB service changed and the regexps for GetEpisodeList don't match anymore.
I was able to fix it and created this patch:

3.5.14 fix patch

Could you please verify and apply to a new version so it works for everyone?

I'm copying the paste contents here, as Kodi's paste service has a 60 day retention, and pastes are cleared after that.

Paste removed. I thought it was a 1-on-1 copy, but fine. Smile
Your copy seems to be wrong and removed some characters:


--- tmdb.xml.bad 2022-05-11 23:06:29.884120476 +0300
+++ tmdb.xml 2022-05-11 23:09:53.943932751 +0300
@@ -216,10 +216,10 @@
<RegExp input="$$9" output="\1" dest="4+">
<RegExp input="$$1" output="<url cache=&quot;tmdb-$$5-$INFO[language]-season-\1.json&quot; function=&quot;GetSeasonEpisodeList&quot;>https://api.themoviedb.org/3/tv/$$5/season/\1?api_key=6a5be4999abf74eba1f9a8311294c267&language=$INFO[language]&append_to_response=credits,external_ids,images&include_image_language=$INFO[language],en,null</url>" dest="9">
- <expression repeat="yes">"season_number":(?!0})([0-9]+)}</expression>
+ <expression repeat="yes">"season_number":(?!0)([0-9]+)</expression>
<RegExp input="$$2" output="<url function=&quot;GetEpisodeGroupList&quot; cache=&quot;tmdb-$$5-$INFO[language]-episode_group-\1.json&quot;>https://api.themoviedb.org/3/tv/episode_group/\1?api_key=6a5be4999abf74eba1f9a8311294c267&language=$INFO[language]</url>" dest="9">
- <expression>"id":"([0-9a-f]+)","name":"[^}]*","network"</expression>
+ <expression>"id":([0-9a-f]+),"name":"[^}]*","overview"</expression>
<expression noclean="1"/>
(2022-05-12, 13:46)magogo200 Wrote: [ -> ]Your copy seems to be wrong and removed some characters:
Yea, its a problem with the forum software. It does strip or replace certain characters out of the code box.
A screenshot is probably safest.

Also, I tested the scraper yesterday on two tv shows and I had no problems with the scraping. Strange.
Do you have problems with the Python version of the scraper?
I didn't try TBH. I'm not a Kodi expert, I just installed the add-on from the repo and that was that.
How do I opt for the Python version over the XML one? And if I do, would I have to re-scrape my entire library? (because I basically had to do that when switching from TVDB to TMDB)...
(2022-05-12, 20:58)magogo200 Wrote: [ -> ]How do I opt for the Python version over the XML one?
It is scraper no 7 in the movie screenshot here... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=363391
When you edit your Source, from the context menu select Change content, then you can change scrapers... https://kodi.wiki/view/Adding_video_sources#Set_Content
What version Kodi are you using, as the python scraper is the default scraper in v19, which means you actually changed to the XML scraper.
I'm on Leia - v18.9
How do I switch to the python version in Leia? The thread you pointed to says it's for Matrix v19...

Also, I'm talking abour TV shows while you pointed at the Movie scraper.
(2022-05-12, 23:17)magogo200 Wrote: [ -> ]Also, I'm talking abour TV shows while you pointed at the Movie scraper.
Ah, sorry. I got myself confused.
On that same link it is scaper no 5 in tv shows.
Go to your Source>Context Menu>Change Content
Select the current scraper and enter. Choose the new scraper and if the other scraper is not listed, then select Get more.