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Full Version: Kodi v19.4/NextPVR v5 not seeing Kodi v17.6/NextPVR v4 Recordings
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I just upgraded (a couple of days ago) to Kodi v19.4 (Matrix) and NextPVR v5. In general things are working well except Kodi is not showing the (old) NextPVR v4 recorded TV shows when I select the TV shows/Recorded button. It just shows the ".." and any newly recorded (NextPVR v5) shows. I have executed the following:
  1. Added the recorded TV shows folder to the Kodi Video library
  2. Selected the video library and it shows all the old and new recorded shows
  3. New recordings done with NextPVR v5 show up in the Recorded folder and in the Kodi TV Shows/Recorded list
  4. I have set the option to scan of the video folder when starting Kodi
  5. I have used import (but maybe not correctly)
  6. I have played the old recorded files using Kodi
So before I start posting logs, can someone offer me a solution (what I am not doing right) or a debug direction that I could take to rectify this please?