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Full Version: Kodi IPTV Please Develop Clearkey Support
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Dear Developer of Simple Client please support clearkey on your next build. Though with good source and internet speed users may have better streaming experience with kodi but the stability and responsiveness are not on par with those players that support clearkey like ott or tivimate.

Kodi is still using direct format like .ts, .m3u8 while OTT and Tivimate contain their .ts in .mpd which until today Kodi still couldn't stream in that format eventough it claims it does. And the worst thing about direct .ts format, it is not stable and gets disconnected quicker unlike .mpd.

With .mpd+ clearkey, It doesnt even need fast internet and it's an advance way of streaming content that have been adopted by most streaming providers in countries in Asia.

Please dont scrap this idea and ask user to switch to OTT because this is Kodi forum and we still want Kodi as all in one ultimate media player in every househould not just for movies, tv shows, music, photos, videos, games or cctv but also for IPTV.
@sonypshomer Did you try playing clearkey streams with inputstream.adaptive and inputstream.ffmpegdirect ? The first addon is about .m0d files.
Correct, all you need is adaptive for mpd files. Ffmpegdirect will only support it if not encrypted.
dead link
@glennguy is this correct?
We don't support clearkey yet sorry, but plan to at some stage. I know it's been requested lots so it's the next feature that I'd like to tackle. There is a bit of work to be done to get it in though.
clearkey support would be excellent if you guys could do it, would greatly apperciate it.
Any plan to support Clearkey.
I am hearing that latest kodi nightly builds support clearkey now, is this true?
Yes, inputstream.adaptive now supports clearkey. You might need Kodi 22
i was so excited to see the reply but then after i upgraded to kodi22, still samo samo, i think the issue is not clearkey but kodi still unable to play *.mpd
let me know if anyone could play this free channel on kodi 

#EXTINF:-1, Animax
(2024-10-03, 17:29)sonypshomer Wrote: [ -> ]i was so excited to see the reply but then after i upgraded to kodi22, still samo samo, i think the issue is not clearkey but kodi still unable to play *.mpd

Do you have a full debug log of trying to play the stream?

You might need to post this in the inputstream.adaptive forum.
Quote:2025-01-04 09:51:55.518 T:28712 warning <general>: CDVDMessageQueue(player):Tongueut MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
2025-01-04 09:51:55.518 T:28712    info <general>: Creating InputStream
2025-01-04 09:51:55.858 T:28712    info <general>: Creating Demuxer
2025-01-04 09:51:55.858 T:28712   error <general>: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - error probing input format,
2025-01-04 09:51:55.858 T:28712   error <general>: CVideoPlayer::OpenDemuxStream - Error creating demuxer
2025-01-04 09:51:55.858 T:28712    info <general>: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()
2025-01-04 09:51:55.870 T:24220    info <general>: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile()
2025-01-04 09:51:55.870 T:24220    info <general>: VideoPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
2025-01-04 09:51:55.870 T:24220    info <general>: VideoPlayer: finished waiting
Kodi parsed the clearkey without error, but unable to play mpd. And that's the real problem, even non-drm non-license MPD also KODI unable to play. It's already 2025 Kodi still unable to play MPD as it claimed.
(2025-01-04, 04:08)sonypshomer Wrote: [ -> ]Kodi parsed the clearkey without error, but unable to play mpd. And that's the real problem, even non-drm non-license MPD also KODI unable to play. It's already 2025 Kodi still unable to play MPD as it claimed.

You are not using inputstream.adaptive at all. Kodi has played MPDs for many years now. If you use the correct inputstream it will work.
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