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Full Version: PM3.HD skin?
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Can anyone post pictures of this? What things have been added?
All will be revealed shortly. Atlantis Beta 1 is just around the corner.

Damn hype machine lol
its in the SVN now if you want to check it out, I haven't had a thorough look yet but my initial impression is its basically pm3 but with new, sharper textures and fonts, and a few view tweaks here and there for better use of fanart etc. It's definitely evolutionary not revolutionary, not to knock all the hard work it really looks amazing. New sounds too, those are cool.
can someone tell me the adress to svn?
Freddo Wrote:its in the SVN now if you want to check it out, I haven't had a thorough look yet but my initial impression is its basically pm3 but with new, sharper textures and fonts, and a few view tweaks here and there for better use of fanart etc. It's definitely evolutionary not revolutionary, not to knock all the hard work it really looks amazing. New sounds too, those are cool.

And that is exactly all it was meant to be just trying to make it look better in HD so all the textures were not blurred as much
It's a beautiful skin! Works wonderfully!
Don't get me wrong JezzX I love pm3 and I love pm3.HD even more, I just wanted to allay any fears people might have that it would be different enough to cause a significant amount of relearning.

its the pm3 you know and love but sharper and shinier, three cheers for jezz and the team!
Oh yeah I didn't for a second think you were complaining. I was just also telling the public officially don't expect anything radically new.

The main reasons for it was to crisp up the images in Hidef and to put in some better mouse controls for Windows, OSX and LINUX Users checking out XBMC for the first time. (if you have mouse enabled in settings new things appear to make it easy to do things)

Even though I personally think mouse and HTPC = silly, it helps with first impressions
And he did a damn good job of it Smile
yeah I noticed the new mouse controls on info panels and stuff, very clever.
Freddo Wrote:https://xbmc.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot...kin/PM3.HD

for just pm3.hd.

'Windows cannot find ..\..\Tools\XBMCTex\XBMCTex' Sad
I just changed the line below "ECHO Creating XPR File..." to:

"CALL XBMCTex -input media -output media -noprotect"

but make sure you have XBMCtex.exe in the folder....it seemed to work for me.
hey Jezz X whats up? great skin I love all the work you do. Just an observation, with this skin there is no Programs Tab, I know XBMC is kinda leaving the XBox and moving towords just a Media Center Program but in the windows version of just PMIII we have the option to add the Programs Tab, could that be added? as i mainly use my xbox for xbmc (have the HD AV pack and a 50" 720p samsung plasma so it looks amasing) however sometimes i do use my Emulators like Zsnes etc. So the program tab is kinda esential, Right now i just went into the default pmIII and added all my EMUs as favorites and then went back but this is just a temp work around. I completely understand if you dont want o add it its your work just figured it would make a suggestion,


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