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Full Version: filipino addon missing region
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I found an issue while investigating some other issue. I'm posting it here in case it is already known and to let others know of the kinds of things that can go unnoticed for a while. I'll open an issue in a few days unless it seems someone is already aware and working on it.

Testing from Linux using Kodi 20.

resource.language.fil will install but not work properly because the addon.xml  has:


When It should be:

Linux (well, at least Ubuntu 22.10) does not support a locale of "fil" or "fil.UTF-8". It only supports "fil_PH.UTF-8", but you don't need the ".UTF-8" (kodi lib adds it for you).

Another thing I saw is that the name of the addon is "Filipino (Talagog)" I'm no nothing about Filipino, but shouldn't this be "Tagalog"? That seems to be what the ISO 639 tables tell me... except that technically the tables have separate entries for Tagalog and Filipino. But from what I can tell there is very little difference between the two. It may be more of a political thing?

Anyway, the iso tables have:
iso639-2T, iso639-2B, iso639-3, iso639-1
"tgl",         "tgl",          "tgl"s,      "tl",       "Tagalog"
"fil",          "fil",            "fil",        "",         "Filipino"

So Filipino is a newer entry without a two-letter iso639-1 code, which should be fine, except that area of code in places seems to assume that everything has a two-letter code before looking for a three-letter code. But it appeared to work okay for this. Just letting you know.

So you can leave as is, after adding region code of "_PH" and confirming the "Talagog". Or you can switch to the two letter Tagalog code, etc.
Living in Hawaii, we have a large population from Ilocos Norte (home of Marcos among other things) so Ilocano is predominant (ilo_PH).  The distinction is probably linguistically important.  I'm guessing it's like Mandarin vs Cantonese with chi/zho being considered equivalent to Mandarin.

scott s.