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Full Version: Help for installing/activating Add-on:OpenMPT Audio Decoder
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I would like to import mod and xm sound files into the library of Kodi. Adding a folder with some mod files to the library and execute a scan results in 0 new songs so it looks like the decoder is not installed in Kodi per default. 
So according to the wiki (https://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on:OpenMPT_Audio_Decoder) I should be able to install the OpenMPT decoder but I am not able to follow the instructions since the "Audio Decoders" section is not visible when it should be according to the instructions.
Hello? Some help? Anyone?

In the mean time I've tried to install the decoder via sudo apt install kodi-audiodecoder-openmpt  but I get an unmet dependency : 

kodi-audiodecoder-sidplay : Depends: kodi-api-audiodecoder (>= 3.0.0)
Depends: kodi-api-audiodecoder (< 3.1.0)

Same happens for any decoder package I tried from the list here: https://kodi.wiki/view/Ubuntu_binary_add...o_decoders