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Full Version: Mini status update 3-29-2024 >> Updated 06/06/2024
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So it may have appeared like sudden movement and then a sudden stop to advances/fixes on the skin which is a fair assessment. 

I wanted to provide a bit of an overview of what has caused this effect and provide some insight of the challenges that have cropped up.

Working on the media flags and diagnostic panel led to realizing how many and non uniform type graphic types where in use and while I love custom material, I like uniformity when it comes to a range of system operation. Specifically things like the resolution flags. The basic ones are nice, but I wanted to find newer material since the theme is based off of the eye candy approach. So growing into ownership of this, I started looking for more graphics, icons, sets....things that all would create the eye pop stuff as well as range..... well.... there isn't a whole lot out there surprisingly.

That led me to start reviewing any and all skins to see what they were using and doing... and I quickly realized they were all texture based and needed to be decompiled. Of course these leads to the texture tool for Kodi. Tried that, it fails miserably on Win10 for some reason, some mention it works great on Win11.... but after looking at the source code... it looks like it was written with the intent of Win7.... which of course should run fine on Win10, but it doesn't.... at least for me. So I took on the task of learning a new ecosystem using the original source material "AutoIt" and that in itself is a giant clusterfuck because anything you create with it, gets immediately flagged when you compile it from you AV scanner. I realized a majority of that is because it is trying to write to the user %temp% folders and delete and that is a huge flag for most AVs etc. So I rewrote it and now it seems to be "ok" with the scanners, x32 sometimes gets hit, x64 fairs better, but even old threads here talk about AVs going nuts with it. So I spent some serious time there learning the tools, interface etc. and finished it up and will be taking it over like I did Madnox, you'll see those threads later.

Then I started to circle back to fixing Madnox and VSCode is the tool of choice... but man, it sucks for XML in general for "Syntax highlighting" to be able to navigate and see the ins and outs of the code. That led me down the path of how do I resolve that so I can program the skin easily. When you look at it, it is basically like next to nothing for highlighting based on the structure XML is vs Visual Studio VB.net or similar. My goal became how do I solve this problem? I went through hell and back to try Visual Studio 2022, Ultraedit, Notepad++, Oxygen XML Editor, and an array of others to try and find a tool that allows custom syntax highlighting... in the end, I had to do a lot of research to arrive at a real solution... which surprisingly, loops back to VSCode. 

The core issue is that when you look at "basic" lines of code where it's a single "condition" and then "go do something"... that is easy. Things like multiple Boolean conditions like AND and OR coupled with ! and precedence... the Boolean operators like PLUS, PIPE, PARENTHESIS, CONSTANTS etc.... are all THE SAME COLOR in most to all of the IDE's. This makes it nearly impossible to read and sort out as the wave of code grows or multi condition... I found myself getting lost on some of the most basic stuff because I "missed" a + sign....very annoying. So after a week or so, I found a solution that works, check out the before and after:



As you can now see, it makes the world of difference to be able clearly get the picture of what the code is doing.

So now that the texture tool is "stable", the coding solved, the last piece was to create new media for the flags I was working on, that took additional time to build some templates and tweak what I wanted. So here is a preview of some of that:


So in the end, work on this didn't "stop" but was refocused so I could get some ducks in a row to be able to carry on. I will be looking at the diagnostics again because those were messed up with my additions in the PVR and I can now simulate that and make it all right.... then back to the flags...and ultimately other action items.

Hope this gives some better insight to where things are.

Many thanks for keeping at it!

I could be wrong - this is not an area I'm comfortable in, I can't code for the life of me - but I think Sublime Text was the weapon of choice for experienced skinners around here. I believe there was some kind of plugin or something for it that would help with the Kodi specific syntax highlighting but I'm just speaking from memory, this must've been around 2016-'17... For a fleeting moment I wanted to learn making skins for Kodi, so I remember poking around. I don't know what happened since.

On a different note - maybe the Madnox section should be moved back to Skins support section, now that there is development behind it? I don't think it attracts the attention it deserves as an "archived" skin. I had to think for a few seconds where the posts were when I wanted to see if there are news. Smile
I have sublime text, I'll have a look at it, didn't realize Phil65 had something like that baked. These types of things should all be front an center in a dev center area, so people that want to get into can. But either way, thanks for the tip... Smile
I have an updated version of KodiDevKit for Sublime Text on my forked repo. It is likely missing a few things since I have only updated for the errors I have seen regarding my own skin.
(2024-04-03, 04:58)mikeSiLVO Wrote: [ -> ]I have an updated version of KodiDevKit for Sublime Text on my forked repo. It is likely missing a few things since I have only updated for the errors I have seen regarding my own skin.

The thing that is really irritating, but not any of your fault, is the instructions on the installation method 100% assumes you know exactly what needs to be done to install and set it up. Based on what I read, this treats sublime text similar to Visual Studio where you can trace variables and see where things go and view memory while it is running like a remote debugger...... is that right?

It would be "nice" to actually see a video from team Kodi on how to set these things up and get the dev environment established so people can focus on the task at hand vs how to setup the tool chains with cryptic instructions.

Prior to your post here, I honestly stuck sublime in a VM to try Phil65's install instructions and just getting the KodiDev thing installed was unintuitive (even though it is a command line entry to download it with Sublime) and magically after I closed the program and restarted, it popped a message saying something about it migrates blah blah, none of that is mentioned in installation.....at all.... and then I saw developer thing in one of the drop down menus.... but the right click menu was not what I expected where there are no "follow variable" or other things like that, which I thought I would see, but probably due to improper setup.

I stopped after some level frustration and like all the rest of the Kodi stuff, once you understand it, you look at folks/noobs like me like...."what it's not big deal?"....but it really is.... because this isn't like Visual studio or Turbo C where there are huge audiences you can draw from..... there are like 5 of you.....at best.....and it's all tribal knowledge and wiki stuff....which many have even said.....is usually out of date.

This is no way a whine or gripe, just stating it would be nice to a video tutorial to actually "see" these things in action so it isn't hours of toiling to get things sorted out.

I do appreciate the pointer to your Github, I took a look at it, the readme is the same as Phil's so I'll have to sort out how to do all this once I get further in. 

All the best and thanks again for helping out.

The thing is almost everything requires some effort whether that be someone having the time to post detailed instructions or just figuring it all out on one's own and both take time and/or effort. There aren't too many skinners and even tho I have been doing this going on 10 years now there is always stuff that needs to be figured out.

I had a few moments of aggravation myself over the years including a couple of posts that I regret ever making but it all comes down to the volunteer aspect of this community. Nobody gets paid to do any of this and speaking for myself, I have a family and real life obligations that eat into a lot of my free time.

I am happy to help you with keeping Madnox around. I have been asked a few times over the years to take over when Mr. V went on hiatus but as it is I barely have enough time to work on my own skin but I will try to help out when I can which is why I have been hanging around this forum. I can also do my best to assist with general skin questions but I definitely do not have the time to be making videos or tutorials.

Regarding the issue at hand, the last time I installed KodiDevKit I used the manual method. I didn't know about the manual method until I needed to know about it but then Google search became my teacher.

Quote:Download the ZIP and then place it in your Packages directory which can be found by going to the top menu and then Sublime Text > Preferences > Browse Packages
then restart Sublime Text if it was running. Probably see some warnings or install popups honestly, I don't remember since it has been years.

After installation, you need to set up the user settings like Kodi path, IP address and user/password for the connection to Kodi. After all that you can open a skin folder using the File menu. Once open use the Project menu to save the project file anywhere you want. Lastly, you can verify it is installed correctly when using ctrl+shift+o as that should open the command palette with KodiDevKit options. As for debugging there is no memory aspect it is just popups that link to includes or quick go-to code jumps when using shift+enter, plus all the other stuff phil wrote like 8 years ago.

Like I said earlier, happy to help so if you have issues just reach out and I will do my best to assist and get you sorted.
With the help and support of MikeSilvo, I'm gotten through most of the Nexus fixes I wanted to resolve. I am actively working on the Omega favorites issue which is broken at the moment. I hope to have it resolved soon. When I can get that sorted, I should be able to do a merge of it all after I update all the changelogs and do a push out. 

Ideally, I would like to get something out this weekend, but I can't promise anything. I can't seem to get the favorites working but I did for like one iteration, so I do have some confidence it works, I just need to find out why it isn't consistent.

More to come.

We got the favorites sorted out, we are working on multiple rendering modes, it's close. This will be the last thing before I push out a release and deal with whatever the new push brings.

But the primary focus will be after this is to fix all the dialog warnings and deprecation callouts Omega is throwing out and I need to hunt down what those are, implement, and test... so that will require some time.

Hopefully the next push will be fairly smooth... but it is getting closer....
Still drudging through getting Omega to load up my libraries vs Nexus, it has been an UNBELIEVABLE time suck. No has been able to tell me what is wrong, so I'm chasing this as it affects everything going forward.

I have spend 0 time on anything Madnox. Last thing was the font correction.

Nothing has been lost or needs to be done over, I just need to make sure my systems work and right now Omega is not playing well and I have to get that sorted.

So that is the current status.

I am resuming DEV of Madnox, Omega is just going have to sort its shit out and go from there. It clearly was hosed between Beta 1 and 2 from when you do a brand new installation of any given database where it will take between 5-12 second to scan a single Movie file. The dev's are aware or at least 2 that I know of, I've done all I can and wasted enough time waiting for answers that never seem to come. So screw it, I'm just going to carry on and let the chips fall where they may. 

I've given it a solid kick in the ass and I can't get any feedback to effectiveness, so you folks will just have to tell me if anything in Madnox makes things worse. If I can fix it, great, if it is a core issue, then it will just have to be kicked back to Kodi devs and you can hope and pray they will fix it. I'm done, waiting around and I got ideas and things I want to get in the fire, so it's time to carry on.

I've taken Mike's updates and started merging my updates into it, including fonts, color controls, and bugs etc. Found a few additional bugs to fix when it comes to small monitors where the icons are getting cropped off, will deal with that asap. When that is done, I'll do a final merge and fix verify and probably update the repo fairly thee soon.

This will be the last I update this thread unless something else major comes along. 
