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Full Version: Embuary to TMDB Helper conversion
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New thread split off from TMDB helper thread as this will probably turn into a teaching moment for me with some help from Mike..... 

So you mentioned DialogVideoInfo.xml does it all, I can kind get behind the mentality of why, but when I look at the code there, it is baron and clearly heavily embuary script dependant, and following the minimal example, I can see this is going to be a not so easy conversion unless there is something I'm missing.

Here is what I see at the .xml:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <onload condition="System.AddonIsEnabled(script.embuary.helper) + Skin.HasSetting(BlurEnabled) + !String.IsEqual(ListItem.DBType,musicvideo) + Skin.HasSetting(VideoBlurEnabled)]">RunScript(script.embuary.helper,action=blurimg,file=$ESCINFO[ListItem.Art(thumb)],prop=blurthumb,radius=2)</onload>
    <onload condition="System.AddonIsEnabled(script.embuary.helper) + Skin.HasSetting(BlurEnabled) + String.IsEqual(ListItem.DBType,musicvideo) + Skin.HasSetting(MusicBlurEnabled)]">RunScript(script.embuary.helper,action=blurimg,file=$ESCINFO[ListItem.Art(thumb)],prop=blurthumb,radius=2)</onload>
    <onload condition="System.AddonIsEnabled(script.embuary.helper) + String.IsEqual(ListItem.DBTYPE,movie)">RunScript(script.embuary.helper,action=split,value='$ESCINFO[ListItem.Writer]',separator='" / "',prop=Writer)</onload>
    <onload condition="System.AddonIsEnabled(script.embuary.helper)">RunScript(script.embuary.helper,action=resetposition,container=1010||1020||1040||1050||1060||1070||1080||1090||9002)</onload>
    <onload condition="System.AddonIsEnabled(script.embuary.helper) + !String.IsEqual(ListItem.DBTYPE,musicvideo)">RunScript(script.embuary.helper,action=encode,string=$INFO[ListItem.Title],prop=TitleEncoded)</onload>
    <onload condition="System.AddonIsEnabled(script.embuary.helper) + !String.IsEqual(ListItem.DBTYPE,musicvideo)">RunScript(script.embuary.helper,action=encode,string=$INFO[ListItem.TVShowTitle],prop=TVShowTitleEncoded)</onload>
        <include content="DialogInfoCommon">
            <param name="blur">Skin.HasSetting(VideoBlurEnabled)</param>
            <param name="art">$VAR[PosterVar]</param>
        <control type="group">
            <visible>!Window.IsVisible(script-embuary-person.xml) + !Window.IsVisible(script-embuary-video.xml)</visible>
            <include condition="!String.IsEqual(ListItem.DBType,musicvideo)">DialogVideoInfo</include>
            <include condition="String.IsEqual(ListItem.DBType,musicvideo)">DialogMusicInfo</include>

Everything is in the includes.

Includes_InfoDialogs.xml line 44 has the DialogVideoInfo include which loads for every video besides music videos.

If you add 1190 from the other thread and change the onclick for the dialogvideoinfo button to the one I posted it should open up dialogvideoinfo with the movie details.
This is from earlier prior what you just posted about line 44, and video at the bottom to show the behavior to see if that is what you'd expected.

You will see, it load the "title" quickly and then reverts back to the main page.

Here is the code:

Includes_InfoDialogs.xml Line 192


                    <item id="101">
                        <description>TMDb info</description>
                        <!-- <onclick>$VAR[VideoInfoTMDbVar]</onclick> -->
                        <!-- <onclick>$VAR[VideoInfoTMDbVar2]</onclick> -->



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<window type="window" id="1190">
    <defaultcontrol always="true">9999</defaultcontrol>
        <control type="list" id="9999">
            <content target="videos">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(TMDbHelper.Path.Current)]</content>
        <control type="group">
            <control type="image">
                <animation effect="rotate" end="-360" center="auto" time="2000" loop="true" condition="true">Conditional</animation>
                <texture colordiffuse="$VAR[PanelHighlightColorVar]">panels/spinner.png</texture>

I'll take a look in a few and see if I can find the problem.
You need to comment out

TMDb Helper manages the window opening and closing
I was wondering if I should nuke that, but I know nothing about tmdb helper, so I left it, doing it now.
Commented it out, refreshed skin, hit the button, skin drops out, and then is right back where it starts.... do you want a video of it?
Let me try the code out and see what happens on my forked copy.
It works for me using the changes from this branch:
Wait... what do you mean right back where it starts?

If you mean the dialogvideoinfo looks the same then it should. The script populates all the usual infolabels.
(2024-06-29, 23:55)mikeSiLVO Wrote: [ -> ]Wait... what do you mean right back where it starts?

If you mean the dialogvideoinfo looks the same then it should. The script populates all the usual infolabels.

Here is the code visually and operationally, see if I'm "doing it wrong" compared to your forked code. If you upload it, I can diff it here if it isn't obvious as my code is probably way different now.

The video of it opening looks right to me. Way too difficult to read code from a video so didn't check that.

If you have an OMDb API key entered in the settings you can test it by changing Includes_InfoDialogs.xml:

Line 380:

Line 384:

Then you should see a dollar amount for budget and awards, if that info is available.

If you don't have an OMDb API key then you can try one of the other ones that are from the script like:
Just got back from dinner, I'll try this right now, sorry, meant to post that, 6:41PM here.
Ok, changing those two things does work, but I think I see where the disconnect of operations is coming in play here. I'm going to do a fast video after I post this, stand by:

Check out the workflow here, I think this will clear up A) the confusion on my part and B) When you mention the fields are filling in right, yes, but not what is expected, video will show what I need to remedy.

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