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Full Version: Status update 8-04-2024
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Just letting people know that I am still working on Madnox. The whole Omega slow loading really has taken out any motivation I've had to work on the skin knowing there is an issue that directly affects me and I've been asked to trouble shoot Kodi to solve an issue that I didn't create. So I stepped back and still intend to continue developing the skin but Omega is problematic at best. 

The biggest task is trying to get it off of embuary helper and onto TMDB helper. I intend to re-engauge now that I've regain some want/drive to carry on.

While I'll never abandon the skin, this is one of those ebbs and flows times. 

So I am hoping to have a/some minor updates that I will push through the repo as time permits.

Hopefully sooner than later. Thanks for reading and supporting the skin.

Just curious, are you the only one experiencing slow scans on Omega?  Don't recall seeing it listed as a problem and seems fine for me.  Again, just curious.
You can read the very early identification and problem location here:


And you can read the actual Nexus to Omega log times during scans which overlay the real issue that no one else seems to have, yet, documented by Kodi's own logs:


While I would love to "contribute" to the fix, I don't have the time or mental energy to fix what someone else screwed up and devs are only interested in the next letter release instead of looping back to fixing a real issue with a proper location of where the error occurs.

Dealing with the skin is hard enough, taking on a behemoth of Kodi's core itself is just not something I'm interested in. That may seem like a crappy attitude, but I didn't sign up for it nor will I be rooked into it because people are to busy making it worse.

Bitter, yes... if they fix it, maybe my tone would change, this has been going on for a long while, but whatever.

I was really enjoying the skin development, when the Omega thing showed up, it's like a 1000lb weight on my shoulders because it really cripples any new dev of the skin for Omega because I many times start with a new database for testing and I am not waiting 12+ hours for it to scan for something that should take nothing more than 30-40 minutes... Many don't even notice as I mentioned a few times, if your only adding a TV series or a few movies.... it finishes in a time frame that no one would question... wipe out your database and reload the source and watch what happens, you can will see the longer load times in the actual real time videos of Nexus vs Omega I created to demonstrate the issue (and eventually logs showing a 10X time increase)... yet... I'm the only one... not buying it.

Good to know you still working on it! Smile
Have had a lot of family issues including a death in the family, it has been a bumpy road to say the least and motivation was low. Things are coming around and I've made a lot of headway with additional features, tweaks, creature features....and the big one is the eventual conversion to TMDB Helper from Embruary Helper. It is a lot of work because of the script vs plugin conversion and steep learning curve. But I have the TMDB Info page rewritten, person page revamped with movies/tv/image galleries and multiple other areas improved and multiple non critical bug fixes that I wasn't expecting.

There will be some very minor workflow differences due to the nature of scripting mechanisms to the plugin method. When I get to the point of being able to release an update, it will be a adventure to get to 100% conversion for things I may have missed, syntax etc.... but know that at this point, I use it all the time and the movies and tv shows areas have been near 100% operational. I will loop back to the live tv and music videos, but since I haven't messed with the code or taken anything away, those areas of the skin should still be unaffected and run as usual.

I do want to point out, a LOT of this time was burned up try to "keep it as close as possible" to the original operation between pages and architecture where some of the XML had to be rewritten to make it happen, so while it may "seem" like "nothing is different" you will find if you do a diff on the files, a LOT has changed in the name of keep it as close to the same as I could.

I am "hoping" to get a video out by this weekend to show off the new items once I sort out a few minor operational bugs. If at anytime you don't see progress here, check out the "skinning" area of the site, you will find multiple threads by me getting support from the folks here who have been very patient with me to get this barge moving.

Special thanks to Mike Silvo, Jurialmonkey, realcopacetic, CrystalP, Hitcher, Karellen & others who have helped out ALOT and in the end made a lot of the fireworks here pop.

Hopefully have more info for you soon.
