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Full Version: providerMappings.xml
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Are these the only metadata we can set?
Can we define more variables? Like Website or 'Category' Where is this information used in Kodi?

Also for <providerMapping mappedName="Freesat"> Do we use the "10 Bold Adelaide" or "10BoldAdelaide.au" I'd prefer to use the ID as some times the names vary but the id remains the same.
It’s used in the new providers UI in PVR in Kodi 22. You need to have at least 2 providers for it to show up.

Only the fields provided are available. If this gets extended to other fields it would likely not be until kodi 23, if at all.

You should be able to use whatever string you like for mapped name.
Thank you. I don't know what other fields to add other than maybe URL for the provider. I just didn't know if it was a format that I was supposed to be following.