Hi everyone! It's my first post so sorry if I missed something or if a sound like a rookie. Apologies in advance for my English since I'm not English native speaker.
Let's go with the issue
I got the last version of Kodi 21.1 in my Nvidia Shield. I got my gamepad perfectly paired. I can even control my Kodi with the game pad.
The problem comes up when I try to map the gamepad. As soon as try to map each button it doesn't work. What happens is that it seems that my gamepad is working as my remote control and the buttons are like "enter" button and "back" button, so when I map and press "X" button or "B" button it takes me to the previous Kodi page. It's like I'm pressing the back button of my remote control.
I hope I explain it clear enough.
Just for information. It's not a problem of the gamepads. I've tried two different kinds.
Thanks in advance for your help and your support.
Some help would be wonderful.
Kind regards,
Hi garbear!! First of all thanks for your help and your awesome work.
I´ve install RetroPlayer 21.1 (2024-12-13)
Android ARM64: kodi-20241213-a87fd750-retroplayer-21.1-arm64-v8a.apk
Located in the following link:
Results: Kind of positive. I can play retrogames (IAGL) such as NES games or Arcade games with my game pad. However, when I try to play with two game pad at the same time I can´t use the second game pad when I play Arcade games. It doesn´t happened when I played NES, both game pad work at the same time.
Then I tried: a v21 nightly?
As you suggested. I installed:
Results: Worked much worse. It works for NES games but I can´t use the game pad in Arcade games, not even one game pad (with the previous method at least I could use one game pad).
Do you think is possible to fix the little problem of the first case, the one that doesn´t allow to use a second game pad at the same time in Arcade games?
As I said before thank you for your time and astonishing job here in the community.
(2024-12-14, 12:49)Rubenspierre Wrote: [ -> ]Do you think is possible to fix the little problem of the first case, the one that doesn´t allow to use a second game pad at the same time in Arcade games?
It's possible that the Arcade core that you're using hasn't been mapped yet. Which core are you having problems with?
If you upload a debug log showing any input problem, I can usually see what's going wrong.
I have the same issue with the Nvidia Shield Pro with the Nvidia game pad paired. Its good to know that there is a fix. When will it be available in the play store?
My biggest issue is that when I launch an SNES rom with every SNES emulator available in Kodi the Audio is bad. Sounds like static interference. Some emulators are worse than others.
Is there an easy to install Front end Rom emulator that also scrapes that you can recommend with no sound issues?
I have only tested SNES. I have not tested any other platforms yet.
Much appreciated.
Thank you
I´ve tried many of them (i.e. MAME 2003 plus or FB and CPS). I´ve also mapped the game pad in each situation. I´m kinda new in this, how I can do the debug thing? any tutorial or link to a forum thread?
Rubenspierre Good news, I found the root cause of controller issues in the v21.1 release. The Play Store required a new aab packaging format, and our 64-bit package incorrectly contains the 32-bit addon.xml for peripheral.joystick. We'll make sure the v21.2 release (due soon, possible in a few days) has the correct 64-bit addon.xml file.
In the meantime, can you side load the latest v21.2 nightly from
https://mirrors.kodi.tv/nightlies/androi...v8a/Omega/ ? I can help get controllers working for any game. All I need from you is a debug log showing the input not working.
I also uploaded peripheral.joystick to the mirrors. It can be installed on v21.1 and controllers should work fine until the v21.2 release in a few days.