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Full Version: Problem with freezing and restarting while watching TV
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Hi, I'm testing the BOX and I have a question, maybe you had a similar problem and can tell me what to fix.

BOX data is:
X96MAX Plus Q1
Amlogic S905X3
Android 9
4Gb 64Gb

Software installed on SD is CoreELEX 21.1.1

I made a small, light TV list of about 300 channels that loads in a dozen or so seconds when turned on, really fast. In the settings I changed the Buffer to 1GB and the acceleration to 30x and the NFS buffer and I don't remember the shortcut for the latter to 1Mb. After turning on a given channel, the buffer fills up correctly to 1GB and is at about 1.6GB, so there is still a reserve of about 1.4GB. Graphics and Processor temp after 2h at 72C

However, problems appear suddenly, namely:
- the screen goes black
- after a while it either goes to the channel list or the main menu or stays on a black screen
- when trying to start the channel it gives information about the impossibility and that the information is in the log
- after waiting a while and trying to start the channel again, the channel starts and works normally. The above case appears after about 40-50 minutes of watching a given channel. I wonder what the cause could be and where to look for a solution, what to increase or maybe decrease in the settings.

A loading icon may appear while watching, the sound fades away, the image freezes, it loads and starts playing the program normally, or it speeds up as if scrolling had been turned on.
Hello and welcome,

It seems that the Coreelec (mind the last letter) forum would be a better place for support.
If you do, try and make it easier on the developers by creating a debug log (wiki), just describing the problem(s) in most cases will not help in solving the issue.

Good luck!