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Full Version: Playing multiple video streams at once
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I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question but I'm developing an addon that can view RTSP streams from a security camera system. It's working fine but I was wondering if I could have multiple streams going at once like in professional security systems? Here's a picture of what I mean.

what you're looking for is called a Video Multiplexer, which Kodi doesn't do on it's own, you would need to multiplex then stream to Kodi

Thank you, that was the piece of information I was missing. Do you know of any software multiplexers, preferably open source?
(2024-12-16, 01:43)OpenTAKServer Wrote: [ -> ]Do you know of any software multiplexers

i don't
(2024-12-15, 23:45)OpenTAKServer Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question but I'm developing an addon that can view RTSP streams from a security camera system. It's working fine but I was wondering if I could have multiple streams going at once like in professional security systems? Here's a picture of what I mean.

Here's a security camera addon which might do what you want.  Here's the link to the addon itself.


(2024-12-16, 06:34)jbinkley60 Wrote: [ -> ]Here's a security camera addon which might do what you want.

take a quick overview of the code

downloads a snapshot from an http server
- https://github.com/RyanMelenaNoesis/Xbmc...ult.py#L64

here it loops that download
- https://github.com/RyanMelenaNoesis/Xbmc...ult.py#L50

during the loop it sets an image in the dialog
- https://github.com/RyanMelenaNoesis/Xbmc...ult.py#L85

dialog code is here and amounts to about 1 floating image
- https://github.com/RyanMelenaNoesis/Xbmc...ult.py#L34

from what i can see it simply puts a snapshot on screen, changes it with a new snapshot every ~1 second
i don't think this is what was being asking for as it doesn't even deal with video playback
(2024-12-16, 06:56)izprtxqkft Wrote: [ -> ]from what i can see it simply puts a snapshot on screen, changes it with a new snapshot every ~1 second
i don't think this is what was being asking for as it doesn't even deal with video playback

Thanks for looking at the code.  I had just remember this thread and thought it might be of use.  Yeah, I wasn't trying to say it was a replacement for a professional security system .  If that's what is needed then that's likely the best solution.  If the ask is for Kodi to provide a real time view into multiple cameras then this might work.  I haven't looked at the code for a while but does it allow you to select and stream from a specific camera if you see something interesting during the 1 second snapshots ?  

