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Full Version: Some Stream play for a few seconds and then stops
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Pretty much the title. It's a fresh install on a Mac M1 but I get the exact same problem on my RPi 4. 
Here is are the debug logs: https://paste.kodi.tv/vafecexefu 

I can watch the stream in VLC with no poblem. Some other HD channels also play with no problem. This is the problematic stream: 

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="TVP2.pl" tvg-logo="https://i.imgur.com/XxCc32B.png" group-title="Undefined",TVP2 (1080p)
Did you try setting a different user agent?
I would need a little bit of guidance on how to change the user agent. TIA!
I figured out how to change the user agent. I simply put "VLC" there as you suggested under the other post. it did't help Sad