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Full Version: PS4 Dualshock not working in IAGL games
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On an Android tablet, I am trying to play using a DualShock 2 Bluetooth controller from the PlayStation 4 in Kodi, with the Internet Archive Game Launcher (IAGL) add-on and Kodi’s RetroPlayer. However, it seems that the buttons are not mapped correctly. Most of them simply open the contextual menu button. For example, if I press the ‘X’ button, my character should jump in the game, but instead, it opens the contextual menu.
When I try to remap the controller through ‘Settings – Input’, attempting to remap the ‘Circle’ button fails because it triggers the ‘back’ action, taking me out of the button remapping menu.
It’s very frustrating because the controller is properly paired via Bluetooth to the tablet, and it works correctly in other applications and menus.
This bug was fixed back in August, immediately after the v21.1 release to maximize testing before v21.2. Can you try sideloading an Omega nightly with the fix? You can find the nightlies here: https://mirrors.kodi.tv/nightlies/androi...v8a/Omega/
(2024-12-22, 07:38)garbear Wrote: [ -> ]This bug was fixed back in August, immediately after the v21.1 release to maximize testing before v21.2. Can you try sideloading an Omega nightly with the fix? You can find the nightlies here: https://mirrors.kodi.tv/nightlies/androi...v8a/Omega/ wordle unlimited

One of the great ideas
Thank you very much. It works!
We'll be shipping the fixes with v21.2 early next year.