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Full Version: How do I find IDs for menu elements?
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I am trying to write a small script that will "reset" KODI to the homescreen, with the "Movies" menu item selected, but I can't for the life of me get it to work.

I am using the built-in function "ActivateWindowAndFocus", and have dived into the estuary skin code, but haven't been able to determine the ID of the "Movies" element in the menu.

Is there a way to enable some form of debugging so I can see the IDs of windows / elements while navigating of in the debug log?
You want the action Skin.ToggleDebug() for example I have it within my keymap as


This will give you an overlay and Focused will show the ID of the currently selected control.

That was exactly it, thanks a lot for the prompt help, i've bound the action as well, for future tinkering Smile
Just keep in mind that builtin works for skin (xml) ids, but doesn't give useful results for Kodi internal ids.

scott s.