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Full Version: Chinese characters and font
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Hi. First, i have tried a lot of skins and this one is the best . Almost perfect but I have a lot of asian stuff and every chinese,korean, japanese characters are showing in square. On Chromecast it is impossible to change font in kodi directory.

With the Artic Horizon 2 skin, those characters shows correctly but I really don't like that skin.
Yes, I'm aware of the issue and in fact, I even inquired with very long term skinners to see how to resolve it. The short answer is, it can't be resolved as it is problematic because of the fonts files themselves and rendering.

I was seeing this when I was trying to process "actor aliases" and I was getting what I thought was trash in the stream and sure enough, it's a font rendering problem fundamental to kodi itself.

You can see my inquiry and responses from those that know the issue intimately who responded with the final outcome:

