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Full Version: Daylights Savings Time for NZ and Time Format (New Zealand)
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New Zealand have just moved to daylights savings time and my XBOX using XBMC (Atlantis Beta 1) has not adjusted the time forward.
The dates that daylights savings starts and finishes were changed at the end of last year. Could this please be corrected? My time in XBMC is set to NZDST.

Also something else which would be good to have fixed is the time format is in 24 hour time instead of the usual AM/PM. NZ is not an option in the regional settings so I have it set to Australia. I know 24 hour time is not the standard in Australia and NZ.
IIRC timezone info is taken from MS dash on xbox. So if it's not updated (is it even still maintained?), I'm not sure what we can do.
I thought because there are options for turning daylights savings time on and off in XBMC and also for setting the timezone that XBMC would be using these settings to show the correct time....
Why are they there if they are not used.
They are.

The point is that the times have changed (as you point out in your original post). If the MS Dash/bios/whatever contains dates that are incorrect, then it won't change at the appropriate time.

Wait a week or two and it'll be all good again.

Not sure I understand.
My time is from NTP on the internet why it can't adjust the system time using this so it is correct. Anyway for now if I adjust the timezone in XBMC to +13 then it shows the correct time.

Any suggestions on why the time shows in 24 hour format?
From NZ as well so I am in the same situation as DataB1tz.
Yes the timezone could be changed for the affected weeks however it would be nicer if a permanent fix was implemented.

Assuming that the MS Dash is no longer maintained and hence the DST data is out of date why not remove all XBMC dependencies (references) to the MS Dash and include a standard NTP client (+ config options + up to date DST data) in XBMC? This looks like it has been mostly completed already.

Given the large number of DST changes in 2008 (US, Canada, NZ, Australia) this is a better design?
Although perhaps this only applies to the Xbox version because the Win/OSX/Linux ports are probably run on an OS with up to date DST data.

If XBMC get its its time from the MS Dash why are there time settings in XBMC?
Which settings take precedence?
Or does XBMC only use the MS Dash for the DST data ie dates when DST starts/stops for each timezone?

I'm running XBMC-8.10-FINAL so it will interesting to see if there is still a problem in April 09 when DST finishes in NZ.