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Full Version: HOW-TO Add an XBMC XDM Session
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Here's how to add XBMC as a session type for your login manager (GDM, KDM, XDM, etc...)

Add the following to /usr/share/xsessions/xbmc.desktop
[Desktop Entry]

Add the following to /usr/bin/xbmc-session

# add some initialization stuff here (if necessary)
xbmc --standalone

Finally make the session script executable (chmod +x /usr/bin/xbmc-session), logout and select XBMC from your login manager's session list.
I followed your instructions, but unfortunately whenever I use the XBMC session, the network card never connects to the network. Is there some configuration that needs to be added the session script?
And the network settings in XBMC say the card is disabled and wont let me change anything.
gzusrawx Wrote:And the network settings in XBMC say the card is disabled and wont let me change anything.
Look in the normal one, maybe you have to add network manager to get network.
Sorry for the late reply...

You simply have to set up your network interface in /etc/network/interfaces

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
Where "eth0" is your network interface.
I'm using ndiswrapper for my wifi driver. Will they still be loaded properly?
yeah, ndiswrapper works well.
Just take a look that ndiswrapper is declared in /etc/modules (so it is modprobed at startup), then verify with iwconfig the name of wireless interface (tipically wlan0) and finally write in etc/network/interfaces:

auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wireless-essid   MYNETWORK
wireless-key     FEFEFEFEFE
wireless-channel 11
wireless-mode    managed

these parametes depend on your router/modem.

see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo

Does pulseaudio get loaded? This may be a permanent solution to my problems.
mr_raider Wrote:Does pulseaudio get loaded? This may be a permanent solution to my problems.

No, pulseaudio shouldn't be loaded. In the event that it is you can always add "pulseaudio -k" to the session script (before xbmc --standalone), this will make sure it's killed.