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Full Version: Kinopoisk.ru (Russian Movies) Scraper
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Seems that kinopoisk.ru changed some internal layout details. As long as author still does not respond, I've made some modifications to scraper myself. I don't see if I can attach a file, so you can just get it here: ftp://lvu.kiev.ua/KinoPoisk.xml. Maybe author will want to incorporate these changes to his scraper.

I've tried to fix tmdb fanart scraping, but it works very poorly.
Похоже с Кинопоиском все конкретно заглохло... А так хотелось-бы.....
yes can someone please make it work!!!! please!!!!
I've completely re-worked this scraper.. works fine for me..
you can get it here: http://video.m3x.org/KinoPoisk.xml
akara Wrote:I've completely re-worked this scraper.. works fine for me..
you can get it here: http://video.m3x.org/KinoPoisk.xml

Thanx! Works fine but very slow on my 48 kb/s connection
akara Wrote:I've completely re-worked this scraper.. works fine for me..
you can get it here: http://video.m3x.org/KinoPoisk.xml

At me the fanarts is not loaded.
У меня что-то фанарты не грузятся. это у всех так?Sad
check the scraper settings, fanart should be allowed there..

PS. new slightly fixed version still can be found here.
Sorry it work but without FanArt
Dont correct symbols in info

Короче крякозябры уже когда пытается найти фильм...
Предлагает список, а в нем одни крякозябры...
Тоже кракозябры вижу. ВОзможно что-то не так со шрифтами?
English please. Respect the forum rules.
The reason it does not work is that the returned xml is encoded in CP1251 (windows cyrillic) while your system probably expects UTF-8. My guess is that the scraper above works properly in windows but not in linux or mac.

You can try the version below. For me it works for the movie info and coverart but does not work for fanart. Probably something broken with the regex.

XBMC-team, would it be possible to commit this to SVN? My understanding from reading the forums is that the scraper maintainer has not been contactable since quite a long time. The current version of the scraper in SVN does not work at all.

I think its already fixed in SVN. Check http://trac.xbmc.org/browser/trunk/syste...oPoisk.xml (download button on bottom of the page)
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