Currently, when we a pause a video (dunno if it's the same for music but I suppose it is) we see trackbar at the top right corner with the time elapsed all that that.
My suggestion is to remove this and instead, show the same dialog as "movie information". It also shows a progress trackbar and has more info about the video with a poster, it would look nicer than a simple progress trackbar.
If you are not willing to change the skin to act like this, can you give me an hint on how can I achieve this behavior?
Allthough a good idea the issue lies in the dialog you are seeing is not just for video or the fullscreen video window. It works right across the whole skin example if you pause a video or music while in the home screen it will also show.
Now the problem with showing all the big info is it will display over the top of other things because you can still navigate and pick other movies and songs while you are paused.
Now for the possibilty of making it happen you can probably try to open up dialogseekbar.xml and adjust the visible conditions to not show up when fullscreenvideo is visible, Not sure how to get the other one to display but adding ssomthign like player.ispaused to the visible conditions of dialogfullscreenvideoinfo.xml would probably help (depending on how its loaded)
Bare in mind that the small bar you say does more than just show you paused it also shows seek position and FF RW speeds too
Jezz_X Wrote:Allthough a good idea the issue lies in the dialog you are seeing is not just for video or the fullscreen video window. It works right across the whole skin example if you pause a video or music while in the home screen it will also show.
Now the problem with showing all the big info is it will display over the top of other things because you can still navigate and pick other movies and songs while you are paused.
I see... Although don't remember seeing that info while in the menus, but never pressed the button I have configured to show the full info while at a menu, gotta test this...
But surely, there must be a way to do it...
What if the "dialogseekbar.xml" (I suppose this one is for the small seek bar?) is changed to accomodate the information displayed in "dialogfullscreenvideoinfo.xml"? Wouldn't that work?
Jezz_X Wrote:Bare in mind that the small bar you say does more than just show you paused it also shows seek position and FF RW speeds too
Doesn't the other one shows that too? If not, maybe what I said before could work, adapt the "dialogseekbar.xml" to also show more info about the video/music playing when paused.
I'm jut saying these things from memory, I'll have to see exactly how the skin works and behaves about these 2 dialogs to have a proper suggestion on implementation of this feature (at least on my computer)
Another thing though... Let's say I make a few changes to the skin for myself and now I upgrade to the latest SVN, I'll loose all those skin mods. What would you recommend to avoid this? Can I save a modded skin in the user profile?
I just saw what you meant and I guess it's better to just leave it like this then...
Nazgulled Wrote:I just saw what you meant and I guess it's better to just leave it like this then...
Don't let this discourage you from suggesting other ideas.
Not at all
I have posted already another suggestion for this skin on this subforum