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Ok I have tried several time to get my PVR (scientific atlanta) remote to work well with my XBMC.

I just cant seem to edit the keymap.xml to work I look around to see if someone has already made one but I couldnt find anything on my remote.

Ok nobody using a rogers PVR remote....
xBLUx Wrote:Ok nobody using a rogers PVR remote....

Is it a learning remote that could learn the codes for the xbox remote?
Setup you rogers PVR as an xbox Media center extender remote or ...
Setup the original xbox remote.

Here's a how to setup your harmony maybe it's helpfull.
Ok I used the keymapping for the extender remote works better but Im going to try and edit it.
OK i have tried to edit the keymap but it does work for me. what I need done is two buttons changed for the media extender keymap.

the button that makes you return to the home screen I need changed to make it beck up to the parent dir.

And the button the when in the library asks if you want to remove the item changed to the one that returns you to the home screen.

I tried to change them but it doesnt seem to work when I do it. If someone could help me out with this change it would be great.


You mean previous and exit.
You need to change those key's in your remote setup.
The xbox media extender was not made for xbmc.
If you did select the xbox extender with your rogers PVR.
Customize also the buttons like the harmony.
My remote is not programmable what I would like to change is the keymap.xml so that it will work with my remote. I has used the keymap the come in the tools folder which is for the media extender remote and it works good but I have issues with the actions of the two functions i listed.

On my remote the LAST button takes me to the main screen which I would like to change so it takes me to the parent dir. The EXIT button on my remote asks me if I want to remove the item from the library, I would like it to take me to the main screen. So I just need to know what lines I need to change in the Keymap.xml so that these button would act the way I would like. I tried changing some lines in the xml but it still doesn't change the way the buttons work.
Try this, change in keymap.xml <global> <remote>
And add this extra:

Keep in mind that <clear>Delete</clear> is still pressent in keymap under <MyVideoLibrary>
This may or maynot work anymore, test this.