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Full Version: XBMC-8.10: Subtitles lock up XBOX
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On several occasions I've started a movie and then tried browsing to select subtitles. For 2 different movies I have it consistently causes my XBOX to lock up. It won't even respond to an IGR.

However, in the last case I did some poking around. If I renamed the .sub file the same as the movie name so it loaded on startup it worked, subtitles and all.

XBOX 1.6
XBMC 8.10 T3CH

[Xvid - Kor]Kim Ki-Duk - Seom (The Isle).avi
The Isle (ENG).sub --> Old (crashes XBOX)
[Xvid - Kor]Kim Ki-Duk - Seom (The Isle).sub --> New (works)

(the sub files are the same file just named differently)