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Full Version: [HELP]Thumbnail aspect ratios
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I am using pm3.hd and when I scroll through my list of movies in fanart view I get a lot of the movie thumbnail icons varying in height and width. Is there a way to have them all auto fitted to a certain size so that the images stay at a constant rather than jumping around based on the height or width of the actual image?

I am guessing by looking at the code from other views that I should have something different in the <aspectratio>. Most views seem to use <aspectratio>stretch</aspectratio> rather than <aspectratio align="right" aligny="bottom">keep</aspectratio>, which is currently used for fanart view.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
keep == keep the aspect ratio.

stretch == stretch to the box size.

You also have scale == scale up + crop so it fits the box, and center == don't scale at all and (possibly) crop, or have borders.

Thanks for the help. I got it the way I want it now.