Interesting request - in the same time maybe it's worth looking into reducing the memory needs for XBMC.Extract built-in function or maybe convincing T3CH and SSHCS providers to allow for ZIP distributions for Xbox, maybe that will require less memory.
Just made a test with SSHCS build, the rar was 36 MB, repacked as zip with high-compression, went to 40 MB. I know every MB costs, but maybe it's worth it...
Dan Dare Wrote:Make sure you have enough memory, drop down the resolution or run it in standard PMIII skin.
I use XBMC in 720p with PMIII skin, reboot, let it load the stuff for a few seconds, go into Info screen, wait for the revision at the bottom to come up, the memory should go up to 38 MB, run T3CH Upgrader from the favorites button and it works every time.
Hmm. I'm using the PMIII skin and the Xbox is connected with an S-Video cable, so no HD resolutions are enabled. I'll see if I can watch the memory usage next time I try it, though.
The script copes with zip better than rars cos it unpacks in more effiecient smaller memory chunks.
I tried to convince T3CH to change sometime ago, but no joy. Feel free to ask the Nightly guy.
a 4:3 skin wll also use less ram than a 16:9. It is annoying to have to go throu the whole change rez operation but unfortunatly there's no xbmc builtin command to change rez from python.
A reboot afer changing skin and/or rez always seems to free up more ram too.
Hi Billy,
Just thought of a question, and a quick search didn't reveal anything...
Is it possible to set the default/preferred to nightly instead of t3ch?
Also, I don't know if this is a bug or was changed on purpose, but:
You used to be able to update the dash shortcut to the currently running build, but sometime in the recent past you can only update the shortcuts to a different/non-running build.
Normally when I do an update, always wait to make sure the new build works before switching the active build (this avoids getting a bricked xbox in case of a bad build).
Once I verify a new build is up and working, I used to be able to 'switch to a different build' new build, from within the new build.. now I gotta switch back to the old build, to run the switch to new build shortcut thing.
Is it possible to set the default/preferred to nightly instead of t3ch
Working on it, but spare time rare at moment, so (everything) taking longer. Blame the missus.
You used to be able to update the dash shortcut to the currently running build, but sometime in the recent past you can only update the shortcuts to a different/non-running build.
I did change that behaviour but I didn't appreciate ppl were using it in that fashion, I'll try and remember to revert it for you.
I usually just FTP over XBMC from computer after downloading. Is it possible for me to use this script to update my current build even when my directory structure is like this F:\Apps\XBMC. The reason I ask is I'm worried that by using this script it will install to another directory and not use my current build's directory. If this is possible where would I set it to do this?
your better off using F:\T3CH\ or similar as the root.
The way the script works is by unzipping the new build to a new (sub) folder, then copying your config/user data files to the new folder.
It does not, and its probably a bad idea in general, over write your existing xbmc folder.
This allows you to keep multiple builds installed in case you have problems with an update, its fairly easy to switch back to a previous build (assuming your not bricked etc).
I just bought an apple tv and got xbmc working on it, I was wondering, if anyone knows if there is a script which functions similarly to this one for the osx/appletv builds?
I would like to be able to easily keep multiple builds and be able to copy userdata and switch between them, etc like this script can do.
inexplicably I no longer seem to be a member of
http://code.google.com/p/xbmc-scripting ?
Could an Owner member please add me back in (as a Committer) then I can submit changes.
Owners who can do it:
- New: Setting option "Preferred XBMC Builder". NB. Starting from autoexec forces T3CH build as the check.
- Change: "Switch to another build" allows you to select current.
- Change: Script self update check not done when started from autoexec. Increases speed.
- Change: some imports onl loaded as needed (speeds startup)
- Change: archive fsize check done according to XBMC build being used
- Change: script relocated to repo http://xbmc-addons.googlecode.com/svn/tr...0Upgrader/ - self update module amended.
Important Note: The script has moved to
xbmc-addons (from xbmc-scripting) so you'll have to use SVN Repo Installer to get it (or from my
Box.net) once your on this version, the self update will be looking in the new repo.
why move?
I'm unable to now access xbmc-scripting but more importantly I think using the one repo (addons) that covers plugins and scripts makes more sense. All my scripts will be migrating to there.
Anyway hope this release includes all requests.
Any probs, let me know.
Thanks BBB, most welcome changes.
Same question as before, do you mind uploading the script at XBMCZone.com or I could do it under your name - I see lots of Xbox users going through the trouble of manually upgrading their XBMC, maybe this will help somewhat reduce the number of posts for broken XBMC installs.
i have no problem with you making any of my addons available on your site.