2009-04-05, 19:19
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2009-04-05, 19:43
Open Aeon Stark/720p/Includes_MediaFlags.xml in your favorite text editor (Notepad++ I suggest) then you have to manually add new studios. So find in the XML where it has studio tags. For example.
<control type="image" id="81">
<visible>substring(listitem.studio,New Line)</visible>
So to implement Marvel you would just copy and paste that and replace the proper text.
<control type="image" id="81">
You would also need to drop the Icon of course into the Aeon Stark/Media/Flags folder.
Also take note depending on the view type, showcase, info, etc. DJH has multiple instances of the flags showing up. So you may have to add 2 or 3. Just skim the code and find all the different parts. You are mainly concerned with Showcase view however.
<control type="image" id="81">
<visible>substring(listitem.studio,New Line)</visible>
So to implement Marvel you would just copy and paste that and replace the proper text.
<control type="image" id="81">
You would also need to drop the Icon of course into the Aeon Stark/Media/Flags folder.
Also take note depending on the view type, showcase, info, etc. DJH has multiple instances of the flags showing up. So you may have to add 2 or 3. Just skim the code and find all the different parts. You are mainly concerned with Showcase view however.
2009-04-05, 19:47
EDIT: Kryp2nite beat me to it.
Another piece of advice would be to use Media Info Plus, which now is capable of storing the label info in .nfo files it creates. You'd have to manually edit ..\MediaInfoPlus\mystudios.xml, but that's pretty simple. OTOH this won't eliminate the need to do what Kryp2nite described above.
Hopefully some or all of these will make it to future releases of Aeon, so you won't have to move a finger.
Another piece of advice would be to use Media Info Plus, which now is capable of storing the label info in .nfo files it creates. You'd have to manually edit ..\MediaInfoPlus\mystudios.xml, but that's pretty simple. OTOH this won't eliminate the need to do what Kryp2nite described above.
Hopefully some or all of these will make it to future releases of Aeon, so you won't have to move a finger.
2009-04-05, 20:04
Halibutt Wrote:Media Info Plus, which now is capable of storing the label info in .nfo files it creates. You'd have to manually edit ..\MediaInfoPlus\mystudios.xml, but that's pretty simple. OTOH this won't eliminate the need to do what Kryp2nite described above.
I'm going to have to look into that when I get home.
2009-04-05, 20:15
And now for something completely different: Zespół Filmowy Kamera (Kamera Film Unit), the guys behing "The Saragossa Manuscript", one of the greatest movies evarr.
DFI / Danish Film Institute
PISF / Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej / Polish Film Art Institute
MiBAC / Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali / Italian Ministry of Culture
Warner Independent Pictures
DFI / Danish Film Institute
PISF / Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej / Polish Film Art Institute
MiBAC / Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali / Italian Ministry of Culture
Warner Independent Pictures
2009-04-05, 20:23
2009-04-05, 20:49
2009-04-05, 21:22
your a beast keep em coming
2009-04-05, 22:07
2009-04-05, 22:11
I think that faster and much easer way could be that Aeon read from .nfo file from <srtudio>xxxxx</studio> tag and just serch in media\flags folder image with same name xxxxx.png and just display it if it exist if not just dont display anything. So we could just make custom images and put them just to media\flags folder in Aeon skin. In that way we dont need to modify Includes_MediaFlags.xml everytime when we want to add new studio image. What you think?
Ps. Sorry for my english.
Ps. Sorry for my english.
2009-04-06, 00:15
Well, that would be nice. However, there is one possible issue: in order to be universal, the filenames should be short and one word. So if not XBMC or Aeon, then the MIP would have to contain a list of names, translating, say, metro.png into Metro Goldwyn Mayer. After all what you get from some online movie database is a full name, and not the name of the file, right? But that's solvable and indeed your solution seems fine. Perhaps you could propose it as a feature request?
2009-04-06, 03:56
Some new European studios added. Also modified Czołówka and Pathe! labels (posted on previous pages)
Film Polski
SFI / Swedish Film Institute
TOR / Studio Filmowe TOR (formerly also Zespół Filmowy TOR)
The last one is one of the best we had here in Poland. They made some of the most important Polish movies, including Rejs, Brzezina and Barwy Ochronne.
Any more requests? Any more popular/common/important labels out there? I'm running out of ideas...
Film Polski
SFI / Swedish Film Institute
TOR / Studio Filmowe TOR (formerly also Zespół Filmowy TOR)
The last one is one of the best we had here in Poland. They made some of the most important Polish movies, including Rejs, Brzezina and Barwy Ochronne.
Any more requests? Any more popular/common/important labels out there? I'm running out of ideas...
2009-04-06, 04:35
2009-04-06, 05:11
2009-04-06, 06:05
thank you for the EuropaCorp one .. now my "The Transporter" box set has a studio flag!
thank you for the EuropaCorp one .. now my "The Transporter" box set has a studio flag!