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Full Version: Sanity check for way to implement EDL commercial skip for myth://
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I'm hoping for a sanity check on an option I've come up with for implementing commercial skipping through myth://

I coded C and C++ eons ago, did much more Java after than and now hardly code at all. Just want to make sure I'm going about this more or less the right way.

I've just finished fixing some of the playback issues for EDL. http://trac.xbmc.org/ticket/6260. Now I need to get the commerical break information from the MythTV database into XBMC EDL cutpoints. libcmyth provides an API to get the commercial breaks from the backend so that should be easy. Sweet.

Here's the plan:
* Modify Edl.cpp to include a ReadMythCommBreaks method.
* Modify Edl::ReadnCacheAny to call that ReadMythCommBreaks method (the way DVDPlayer "gets" the EDL cutpoints for a movie) if none of the other existing methods have found anything.
* Alter CMythFile to include a method that can return a data structure that can then be added as CutPoints within EDL::ReadMythCommBreaks. Use the libcmyth library for getting the actual commercial break points for the movie / recording.

Test, test, and test some more...

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!