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Announcing first release of dvdprofiler2xbmc script available at:


The script builds the .nfo files from the DVD Profiler exported Collection.xml file, then adds some information from imdb.com and themoviedb.com. The DVD Profiler thumbnails are used to create .tbn files. -fanart.jpg files are downloaded from themoviedb.com.

The script takes extra pains to find the correct movie. It helps to include the production year in the media file name. Besides refining the search by years, also known as (AKA) titles are searched.

The cost of higher accuracy is longer search times. To minimize the impact of search times, imdb and tmdb results are cached with each media file.


First, this is a command line script. There is no GUI.

Second, while the script has been written to be portable, it has only been tested on linux (gentoo ~x86 to be exact).

Third, currently the supported media naming convention is rather limited. The naming conventions include:

title - yyyy.ext
title - yyyy.part.ext
title (yyyy).ext
title (yyyy).part.ext

title is the title in DVD Profiler and can be either the exact title or built by this pattern:
1) replace all punctuation with spaces
2) replace multiple spaces with single spaces
optionally the '&' character may be replaced with the word 'and'
part is like cd1, cd2, pt1, disk1, disc2
ext is the media extension like iso, m4v,...

Fourth, this is a ruby script so you will need to install ruby 1.8.x. Here's the ubuntu directions:

sudo apt-get install ruby1.8-dev
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install irb
sudo apt-get install rubygems
sudo apt-get install libyaml-ruby
sudo apt-get install libzlib-ruby

sudo gem update -y
sudo gem update -y --system
sudo rm /usr/bin/gem
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gem1.8 /usr/bin/gem

Once you have ruby install then it's easy to install the script:

sudo gem sources -a http://gems.github.com
sudo gem install royw-dvdprofiler2xbmc

Here's the gentoo directions:

emerge ruby
eselect ruby set ruby18
emerge rubygems
gem sources -a http://gems.github.com
gem install royw-dvdprofiler2xbmc

Any feedback most welcome.
