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Full Version: fanart view not picking up thumbnails for TV Shows?
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hi guys,

i've updated my TV Show .nfo files and art using another app. i have added my TV Show source folder to XBMC, then scanned to library by choosing 'set content'. everything works fine except for the season thumbs...nothing shows up, and i have both .tbn files in the main show folders and folder.jpg files in each season folder...but neither of those are picked up.

what am i doing wrong?
Sounds like you aren't using library mode?
Or rather, sounds like you are using library mode? (since you have folder.jpg in the season folders.
Try copying them to the TV show folder with the correct name (seasonxx.tbn)
no, they are there in the show folder in seasonxx.tbn format. i can get the library mode fanart view to display them if i set the thumb manually, but it won't pick them up automatically for some reason...

does the folder.jpg file in the season folders stop the tbn files in the show folders from being added to the library, maybe?

edit: except for the 'all seasons' thumb - it grabs the 'folder.jpg' (the wide show banner) in the show folder, instead of season-all.tbn. i'm going to try to remove some of the jpgs and re-scan to see if they are interfering...but then i would lose my banner at the top?

edit2: switched to SVN 19569 and the issue is resolved. seems to be an issue with the old SVN i was using.

thanks for the help, anyway....