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is there a way to detect within a python script that the video player is in fullscreen mode ?

nobody ?
Player.isPlayingVideo() tells you whether the video is playing (http://xbmc.sourceforge.net/python-docs/...tml#Player), I don't know about the full-screen part.

What do you to use it for?
Yes, I know that.
I have done a small python script, and I would like to differentiate the behaviour when someone click on an icon when the player is a fullscreen or not.
An example would be a button to set the player is fullscreen (but not a toggle)

videoplayer.isfullscreen (info bool)
Hey Spiff,

the method doesn't seem to be in the docs (http://xbmc.sourceforge.net/python-docs/...tml#Player), what does the boolean parameter do?
uhm, it returns true if the video player is in full screen and false if it's not. used for visibility conditions...

it is NOT part of the python player object, as i said it is an info bool.

if there is no python method for grabbing info bools, you need to do it through the http api
Thanks Spiff.

Ok, I got the list of boolean conditions:


no idea which HTTP API function to use to get them...

well, i did not say you had to use the http api. some simple grepping brought


ie. xbmc.getCondVisibility('videoplayer.isfullscreen')

Thank spiff, much appreciated!