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Full Version: [attn Jezz-X] Some minor fixes
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I've been modding the PM3.HD skin for a while and every now and then i bump in some small bug, so i thought i'd just pass those along.

MusicOSD.xml - line 272:
<texturebg border="5">barground2.png</texturebg>
should be changed to Barground2.png, otherwise the image won't show on case sensitive systems.

custom_SkinSetting_1111.xml - line 137:
should be added. the height property is missing from this control, so the text is displayed slightly bigger than the rest of the items.

MyMusicNav.xml lines 13 & 24:
there are references to background-music.jpg, but since this file was recently removed from the media folder, the skin fails to load it as a fallback fanart texture.
i guess changing it to special://skin/backgrounds/music.jpg would solve this.

same as above, change background-videos.jpg to special://skin/backgrounds/videos.jpg

There's one other case sensitive issue, on startup XBMC tries to load startup.xml, but as far is i can tell all the skins are using Startup.xml instead.
So i assume this is an XBMC issue and not skin issue, so i opened a trac ticked for it:
is it possible to make it 4x3 compatible not just 16x9?

Because its a great skin but me and alot of others have 4x3 screens

no, never going to happen. pm3 supports 4:3, hd area is all 16:9
Yeh and somebody once said man will never walk on the moon.
Besides all that whats wrong with people asking for some 4/3 support?
Nothing, but Like spiff said pm3 has 4:3 support. PM3.HD is made for 16:9 hd resolutions.

ok, thanx for all the lovely comments...
although i'm not quite sure how they are related to my proposed fixes.
Thanks man I'll get right on them
Ok Commited thanks again
btw case sensitive issues should not matter for the images because you should be using the xpr created not the original images and XPR is case insensitive on all platforms
Jezz_X Wrote:btw case sensitive issues should not matter for the images because you should be using the xpr created not the original images and XPR is case insensitive on all platforms

Thanx, i didn't know Textures.xpr was case insensitive. I removed it as i was trying out some different textures/icons.
This also explains one other small issue i was having, if you remove Textures.xpr and use the original images instead, then the DefaultTVShows.png icon wouldn't show up anymore.
Turns out the filename should be DefaultTvshows.png instead.

r20588 takes care of bringing the naming up to standard (DefaultTVShow(Title)s.png)
found two more...

in DialogKaiToast.xml there's a reference to DefaultFileBig.png
(should be DefaultFile.png these days)

in fanart view, the tv show info doesn't scroll, even though it's enable in skin settings.
Thanks Fixed and committed to the svn and credited to you Smile