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Full Version: Library mode not available
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Have the latest stable version of T3CH build loaded on my Xbox and PM3 HD skin selected.

When I went to Videos and browsed my movies I originally had the option to view in library mode then (and I'm sorry I don't know how I did it) it went back to list mode and the option to view in library mode again cannot be selected.

What am I doing wrong?

have you tried:
Go to Settings > Video > Library (on the left) > enable library
Yes checked that and its enabled
kemik Wrote:Yes checked that and its enabled
Have you scanned your media into the library?

As I mentioned it was working and then I don't know what I did to change things but I did something for it to change to non library - full list mode and then the option to view in library mode again is not available for me to select its greyed out
Look I'm not being funny guys but the library was working so they are scanned into the library its the option to choose to view in library mode that isn't available to me!
enable Debug Log and check for any database related error messages.