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Full Version: Anyone else missing the Cache POPUPS?
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Not sure what to call them....

I was told that the screens that would come up and let you know the system was caching had to be removed due to lock ups. (deadlocks)

These DEADLOCKS were quite anoying. I learnt to live with them and wish that they were fixed.

Now we are all having a bigger isues since the cache loading popups have been removed. No VISUAL CUES that XBMC is doing something.

I have my XBMC on passthrough through HDMI. I dont even get the Navagation sounds due to using HDMI. (totally stupid) I cant hear if I have clicked on a video or not. Quite often the video starts twice cause Im not sure if I clicked in the first place.

I have most of my videos in part RAR files, witch totally ROCKS because I don't have to unpack them saving time. Unfortunatly some times the people who I share content with compress the RAR's. This has been a nightmare cause I have to unpack them before playback. I used to get a popup that would ask if I want to unpack large file. YES/NO. What I would do is click NO and uncompress the RAR on my media drive and watch something else till it was done. This would make sence, caue now I could watch the move a second time without having to cache it "unpack" to my XBMC HDD. XBMC automatically unpacks them now, rendering my XBMC usless untill its done. ITs not fun having no controll over that one.

I find myself reseting my HTPC even more now, then when the cache popups were enabled.
Is this feature going to be removed for ever? Is there going to be a solution.




please sell me on the good I'm totally not getting it.

I don't mean to bitch about this feature, but it totally feels like XBMC is broken with out it. Could we have an option to turn it on or off ?
Could we have NAVIGATION sounds enabled for HDMI till the DEADLOCKS get sorted out?
the navigation sounds are available on hdmi, but it depends on the capabilities of your tv / receiver whether you'll hear them or not. problem is most navigation sounds are encoded at 22,5kHz (some are even mono) which most receivers/tv's don't support over hdmi.

this problem can be fixed by re-sampling the audio before sending it to the hdmi interface.
you need to create a .asoundrc file in your home directory with this content:
pcm.dmixer {
   type dmix
   ipc_key 1024
   ipc_key_add_uid false
   ipc_perm 0660
   slave {
      pcm "hw:0,3"
      rate 48000
      channels 2
      format S32_LE
      period_time 0
      period_size 1024
      buffer_time 0
      buffer_size 4096

pcm.!default {
   type plug
   slave.pcm "dmixer"

and change the audio settings in xbmc to:
dd on
dts on
downmix off

as for the lack of visual feedback when you start a movie, it may depend on the skin you're using, but with PM3.HD the name of the selected movie will turn to green when it is launched.

i can't help you with the cache popups i'm afraid.
LOL you did not understand a single thing I told you...

The cache dialogs CAUSE deadlocks, that's why they were disabled. You apparently didn't read and comprehend the wikipedia link that someone posted you on just what a deadlock is. I made my effort to explain this already, I'm not doing it again.
I understood the WIKI and what you told me about the deadlocks. I understand why they were removed. I just miss the options that whent along with the CACHE POPUP MENUS.

I dont think you are understanding what Im talking about.

I liked having the VISUAL cues that would be present when you would see the cache bar loading. That would let me know that the Movie had been clicked and was being moved across my network. I could hit cancel too, if I startedt he wrong movie.

On top of that I was able to choose wether or not to unpack a large RAR'ed file over the network. it can take upto 50mins to unpack a 11 gig HD RAR.
Not quite a deadlock but still anoying.

As for the down sampling the NAV sounds , THANK YOU>

I will give that a try right now. Smile