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Full Version: No VobSub Subtitles displayed with VDPAU if they are embedded in MKV containers?
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I am seeing a issue where I am running the latest SVN build from the ubuntu PPA. I notice that subtitle rendering of VOBSUB titles muxed into the stream dont display when using VDPAU.

They display when i switch back to "Auto" rendering.

The subtitles are found and displayed okay in the Audio Menu.

Also I am unsure of how to create a login such that I can log a issue in XBMC trac.

attaching the debug log here: http://pastebin.com/m7faa0073

Not sure if this http://www.xbmc.org/trac/ticket/6168 FR is tracking the same problem.
really?? has no one encountered this? or am on too new a version? devs ,is this a feature that will be implmented?
I'm experiencing this too on 9.04.1 Babylon, so I guess this must be an issue with VDPAU and XBMC
we have no overlay code with vdpau, this is announced all over...
Is there a roadmap for this? Is anyone working on it? I too have ripped my DVDs with vobsubs (anamorphic x264+AC3+vobsub MKVs).