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Full Version: Different layout for the on screen virtual keyboard, QWERTY mod anyone?
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Hello, I am wondering if there is a way to change the native virtual keyboard to QWERTY layout keyboard? Maybe is something to be done in settings, but I guess not. And a suggestion, the DONE button to be on a single row, down, because for example the last letter written is B (in QWERTY) or S in this ABCDE layout keyboard (you get the idea), we have to navigate a lot to reach the left upper corner to the DONE button. The idea is that there are more columns vs rows and it is more easy to press 3 time Down than Up Up Up Left Left Left Left Left Left... if the Done button is in a single row, it will be highlighted easy.
please search the forums before posting. there are a few mods that do QWERTY layout.. basically you need to mod the DialogKeyboard.xml in every skin for it..
The design of the virtual keyboard is in DialogKeyboard.xml. There you can edit it to your liking.
Stupid me, I did search, but the problem was I type only "qwert keyboard" grrr... stupid me again, mea culpa!
Because I was so damn stupid I make one please feel free to try it! It is for the PM3.HD skin and first make a back up of your original file. Guess you know where to put it. The bad thing was that the "Simbols" are a total mess because I really don`t know how to arrange them. The file here
Note that the DONE button is keymappable - it's mapped to START on the gamepad for instance.
Yes, also for the Backspace, but it is more convenient to press DONE. Anyway, how can I change the symbols? And where I can found a list with the codes of the keyboard?